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17 European Projects Found

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European Network for Academic Integrity

Start date: Sep 1, 2016, End date: Aug 31, 2019,

Our project is focused on new or updated innovative methods under so called academic integrity. You can imagine a whole spectrum of preventive measures how to fight with plagiarism and other bad habits not only in academic world effectively. Most of the project partners are already in very close cooperation in the field of academic integrity. There have been efforts to communicate on a common plat ...
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Renewable Energy Sources for Agricultural Vocational Education

Start date: Sep 15, 2015, End date: Sep 14, 2017,

The energy and environmental sustainability of human activity plays a central role in the policies of the European Union. The rapid and sometimes uncontrolled, world economic development that we have seen in recent decades, has resulted in excessive emissions of greenhouse gases (GHG - Green House Gas) with devastating consequences for the climate and the environment, as evidenced at the signing o ...
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Rational Livestock Nutrition in Rural Areas

Start date: Sep 1, 2014, End date: Dec 31, 2016,

As well known, livestock sector plays a multi-faceted role in socio-economic development of rural households. Livestock husbandry has significant positive impact on equity in terms of income and employment and poverty reduction in rural areas as distribution of livestock is more egalitarian as compared to land. In the recent decade, demand for various livestock based products has increased signif ...
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Today Europe' figures says 600.000 beekeepers and 14.million beehives in this continent, this is a great industry. Honey is important for beekeepers but beekeeping is not limited only with honey production. Today, bee products including propolis, royal jelly, and bee pollen are popular, traditional health foods. On the basis of the scientific assays, propolis is the most powerful antioxidant of ...
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The dominant environmental problem caused by dairy processing is the discharge of large quantities of liquid effluent. In rural areas dairy processing efflunet may also irrigated to land. If not managed correctly, dissolved salts contained in the effluent can also leach into underlying groundwater and effect it's quality. Cheese factories generate waste waters of which cheese whey (CW) is the ...
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Start date: Nov 15, 2013,

The LEMNOS-GALLIPOLI Project is inspired by the occasion of the Centenary of the Gallipoli Campaign (1915-2015), a significant common historical event for participating countries AU, CY, EL and TR . The key objective of the Project is to bring together artists and cultural operators from diverse cultural and artistic disciplines to create innovative and interdisciplinary artistic and cultural pro ...
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BEES is a transfer of innovation project aiming at developing ENSA project, Leonardo da Vinci thematic network based on organic and sustainable agriculture, with a specific reference to beekeeping teaching materials. The importance of bee role in plant propagation is well-known since antiquity. Recently emerged diseases like American Foul Brood, Colony Collapse Disorder and Varroa had hard consequ ...
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There is a deep-rooted financial/economic crisis at the world level: from the outstanding credits from mortgage loans and speculative bubble in the USA in 2008, with bank and business cracks, till the risks of bankruptcy, after that in Iceland, in Portugal, Ireland, Greece, Italy, Spain, for the high rates on state bonds requested by the investors. The financial crisis even attacks the Euro, the h ...
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The reasons for development of the ECVET-EcoQualify project could be described in the following aspects: - The expanding organic retail sector which needs qualified workers and managers, respectively teachers/trainers who will teach them;- In response to the recommendation of the European parliament to promote ECVET ‘involving VET providers’;- Changes in VET teacher/trainer’s role, and using the ...
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Increased demand for fish protein has been met by increased cultivation of many species of freshwater and marine fish. The aquaculture production in EU is 1.2 millions and average yearly fish consumption is 23 kg per person. Turkey has 152.000 tons aquaculture production but yearly fish consumption is 6.32 kg per person. In spite of state of the art technology to fulfill the production needs, i ...
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EU&I (European Awareness and Intercomprehension) aims to show the general public how much they are able to understand and do in other European languages, even if they have no prior knowledge of the language in question. The project therefore demonstrates the way in which, to accomplish everyday tasks in one’s own language, such as booking a hotel room or checking the weather forecast on the Intern ...
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The area of languages is a major strategic concern for the future of Europe. This network will address five key aspects. (1) Intercultural communication as the ability to navigate different cultures within the global knowledge economy. (2) Education of language teachers. (3) Content and language integrated learning (CLIL) in European higher education. (4) Learning about the literature and culture ...
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"Intercultural rainbow" is a training on quality improvement of international projects with youngsters facing social exclusion.Our aim is to train youth workers to increase the benfits for youngsters having difficulties due to their social backgrounds and do reduce the potential difficulties so that this projects can be a start for a different approach and a new start towards better chances. Main ...
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City Contact 2 Berlin / City View

Start date: Feb 1, 2009,

Das multilaterale Projekt City View (mit TN aus DE, EE, TR, NL und BG) ist Teil einer Projektreihe, die sich aus verschiedenen Elementen zusammensetzt.Im Rahmen dieser zweiten Begegnung der Reihe geht es darum, dass die TN sich in öffentlichen Stadträumen in Berlin mit der visuellen Erfassung dieser Räume auseinandersetzen, um anschließend die kulturell bedingt unterschiedlichen Wahrnehmungen abzu ...
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The reason for this projectFor many foreign and second language teachers it is a challenge to shift from traditional language instruction (grammar and vocabulary teaching) to a task-based approach, to implement the Common European Framework for Languages (CEF) and to use new technology. The last problem was addressed in a number of projects (e.g. International Modules in ICT and Language Learning ...
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"Learning history" is a unique approach for helping an organization to learn from the experience and implications of its own learning and change initiatives. The history includes reports of actions and results, and the underlying assumptions and reasoning that led to people's actions. A variety of people’s views and reactions are captured providing insight into the complex reality in which organiz ...
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“Euromed at work for active citizenship” (EWAC) is a TC that will be held in Palermo (Italy) during 8 days. There will be 16 partners & 40 participants (youth trainers/workers, peer educators, volunteers,youth with fewer opportunities) from: Italy, Bulgary,Czech Republic, Greece, Lithuania, Norway, Estonia, Slovenia, Malta, Turkey, Tunisia, Algeria, Lebanon, Palestine, Israel and Morocco.The pro ...
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