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24 European Projects Found

Searched on 125080 European Projects

Background Protection of water resources is a cornerstone of environmental protection in Europe. Clean water demands careful management to protect ecosystems, society and industry. However, water scarcity affects at least 11% of Europe’s population and 17% of EU territory. Poor or unsuitable water quality reduces its availability by restricting its poss ...
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POWER is a user-driven project to share knowledge and experience of water related issues in different EU local authorities to create a tool for EU water policy. It addresses four of the eight EIP WATER priorities:1. Water reduction consumption2. Water quality 3. Extreme weather events (surface water flood risk) 4. Variables related to water conservationIt will develop a common DSP sys ...
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The scope of the project is to develop and test methods for designing and implementing innovative and sustainable Strategic Plans for Waste Prevention and Management in various urban contexts that will enhance urban environmental resilience and guarantee progress towards more sustainable production and consumption patterns together with improvements waste recovery and recovered materials use. Ur ...
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Background The European Union’s Habitats Directive classifies both dehesas (or ‘montados’) with evergreen Quercus spp. (6310) and cork oak forests (9330) as very important habitats for the conservation of biodiversity. Cork oak savannahs are threatened by disuse and abandonment in south-western Europe. Cork oak covers more than two million hectares ...
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Background France, Germany, Italy, Spain and Turkey generate around 4.1 million tonnes of iron foundry sands and dust wastes every year. In spite of the various treatments on the market, a high proportion of this waste ends up in landfill. In Spain, for example, an average of around 67% of waste by volume is land filled (2013). More valorisation options f ...
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Rail freight transportation is a system service where a multitude of players, participants and systems providers bear a high degree of responsibility for its attractiveness and performance. It shows high efficiency as transportation means, in terms of land use and energy consumption and low greenhouse gas emissions. However rail’s market share of freight transportation and its economic efficiency ...
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Background The EU’s economy uses 16 tonnes of materials per person per year, of which six tonnes becomes waste, half of it going to landfill. Overall, the EU produces up to three billion tonnes of waste every year, with a huge negative impact on the environment, as well as significant losses of materials. Municipal solid waste (MSW) generation continu ...
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Background Brine discharge from Europe’s water desalination plants represents a potential hazard for marine ecosystems. Brines are commonly disposed of using inland desalination plants, deep well injection, or by discharge into surface or ground water. However, the impact of these options can be greater than discharging the brine directly into the sea a ...
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Background Groundwater provides EU citizens with an important source of fresh water, but the quality of Europe’s groundwater supplies has been threatened by an increase in the amount of nitrates entering aquifers. Agriculture has been linked to this increase in groundwater contamination, which can result in serious negative impacts, such as increased wa ...
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NANOREM is designed to unlock the potential of nanoremediation and so support both the appropriate use of nanotechnology in restoring land and aquifer resources and the development of the knowledge-based economy at a world leading level for the benefit of a wide range of users in the EU environmental sector.NANOREM uniquely takes a holistic approach to examining how the potential for nanoremediati ...
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BlueSCities aims to develop the methodology for a coordinated approach to the integration of the water and waste sectors within the 'Smart Cities and Communities' EIP. It will identify synergies in accordance with the Smart City context and complement other priority areas such as energy, transport and ICT. It will seek to contribute to the achievements of the 20-20-20 objectives. Placing emphasis ...
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The ability of Europe’s communities to respond to increasing water stress by taking advantage of water reuse opportunities is restricted by low public confidence in solutions, inconsistent approaches to evaluating costs and benefits of reuse schemes, and poor coordination of the professionals and organisations who design, implement and manage them. The DEMOWARE initiative will rectify these shortc ...
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Background The gradual replacement of fossil fuels by biofuels is a key aim of European environmental policy. Bio-diesel can be made using vegetable oil or animal fat, but at present viability of production is severely restricted by availability of raw materials at a reasonable cost. Growing crops for this type of energy-use requires large areas of land ...
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Water and Energy for Life in Libya (WELL)

Start date: Jul 1, 2012, End date: Dec 31, 2014,

"The WELL project aims to strength the capacities of the General Water Authority while turning it into an international centre of excellence, and reinforcing the cooperation capacities and research activities in Libyan’s water and energy sectors by defining research priorities in water and energy to respond to socio-economic needs, facilitating participation in the European water and energy resear ...
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The EURATOM FP7 Collaborative Project “Fast / Instant Release of Safety Relevant Radionuclides from Spent Nuclear Fuel (CP FIRST-Nuclides)” is established with the overall objective to provide for improved understanding of the fast / instantly released radionuclides from disposed high burn-up UO2 spent nuclear fuel. This issue is given a high priority in the SRA of the IGD-TP. The outcome of the p ...
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Morocco Research Advance in ICT for Water (MOICT)

Start date: Dec 1, 2011, End date: May 31, 2014,

The overall objective of Morocco Research Advance in ICT for Water (MoICT) project is the Sidi Mohamed Ben Abdellah University in Morocco co-operational and technical capacities strengthening to reinforce the ICT for water research and application in the context of the European Research Area and development of research centre of excellence to respond to Morocco’s socio-economic needs. More specifi ...
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Within the AQUAREHAB project, different innovative rehabilitation technologies for soil, groundwater and surface water will be developed to cope with a number of hazardous (nitrates, pesticides, chlorinated and aromatic compounds, mixed pollutions,…) within heavily degraded water systems. The technologies are activated riparian zones/wetlands; smart biomass containing carriers for treatment of wa ...
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"Unexpected failure in an industrial production chain does not only involve the costs of failed parts replacement and the associated man-hour labour, but downtime costs have also have to be considered. To keep a machine functioning well it is a must to have good predictive maintenance, as it helps to reduce operating risk, avoids plant failures, provides reliable equipment, reduces operating costs ...
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Palestine for European Research Area (PERA)

Start date: Apr 1, 2011, End date: Sep 30, 2013,

"The PERA project is aiming at strengthening capacities of the Palestine Technical University – Kadoorie (PTUK) while realizing it as an international centre of excellence, and reinforcing the cooperation capacities and research activities in Palestinian’s water and energy sectors by defining water and energy research priorities to respond to socio-economic needs, facilitating participation in Eur ...
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"In the Mediterranean region the pressure on water resources is high, so there is no water to “waste”. Water is becoming a limiting factor for agricultural, and even for industrial development. Treated wastewater is part of the community’s water resources and one component of sustainable water management approach. The direct reuse, instead of wastewater discharge in the network, reduces costs of t ...
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El objetivo del proyecto OiLCA es mejorar la competitividad del sector del aceite de oliva en el Espacio SUDOE reduciendo el impacto ambiental de la producción mediante la aplicación de los principios de la eco-eficiencia. Se pretende implementar alternativas en la gestión de los residuos con tecnología de vanguardia que tenga en cuenta aspectos económicos y, a la vez, favorezca la modernización d ...
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Eco-Design for Eco-Innovation: the Green-Car case (Green-Car Eco-Design)

Start date: Dec 31, 2010, End date: Dec 30, 2012,

El objetivo del proyecto Green-Car Eco-Design es la inclusión de la variable ambiental en la etapa de diseño (UNE 150301) de los componentes principales del vehículo eléctrico, y aumentar el conocimiento de su impacto ambiental a lo largo de su ciclo de vida. De esta forma, se proporcionará un valor añadido a los mismos, al reconocerlos como fabricados con un menor impacto ambiental y garantizando ...
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Start date: Apr 1, 2008, End date: Mar 31, 2012,

Main objectives of ReCosy are the sound understanding of redox phenomena controlling the long-term release/retention of radionuclides in nuclear waste disposal and providing tools to apply the results to Performance Assessment/Safety Case. Although redox is not a new geochemical problem, different questions are still not resolved and thus raised by implementers and scientists. From a top-down appr ...
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"Powder Metallurgy (P/M) is a major manufacturing route for many industries. While the demand for P/M parts in its traditional automotive market is predicted to grow, future sector expansion depends directly upon its capability to manufacture zero-defect, complex mechanical P/M parts for industries such as aerospace and medicine. To comply with such standards, parts manufacturing must be optimized ...
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