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15 European Projects Found

Searched on 125080 European Projects

Unicorn aims to simplify the design, deployment and management of secure and elastic –by design- multi-cloud services. This will be achieved by a) development and design libraries that will provide security enforcement mechanisms, data privacy restrictions, monitoring metric collection and resource management; b) enabling continuous orchestration and automatic optimization of portable and dynamic ...
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MELODIC will enable data-intensive applications to run within defined security, cost, and performance boundaries seamlessly on geographically distributed and federated cloud infrastructures. Serving the user’s needs and constraints, MELODIC will realise the potential of Cloud computing for big data and data-intensive applications by transparently taking advantage of distinct characteristics of ava ...
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...rid infrastructure management will allow abstracting heterogeneous resources and enabling dynamic service networks based on evolving situations. BASMATI will be evaluated against three real-world use cases: Large Events management (including audio-streaming in dynamic and crowded scenarios), TripBuilding in dynamic environments and Virtual Mobile Desktop for highly nomadic users, which will be pro ...
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...cations and services that will maintain a fully distributed and totally encrypted data persistence layer, and, thus, will foster customers' data protection, integrity and confidentiality, even in the case wherein there is no control over the underlying third-party Cloud resources utilized.In particular, PaaSword intends not only to adopt the CSA Cloud security principles, but also to extend them b ...
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The 36-month PaaSport project focuses on resolving the application portability issues that exist in the Cloud PaaS market through a flexible and efficient deployment and migration approach. To this end, PaaSport will combine Cloud PaaS technologies with lightweight semantics in order to specify and deliver a thin, non-intrusive Cloud-broker (in the form of a Cloud PaaS Marketplace), to implement t ...
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OSMOsis applications for the Sensing Enterprise (OSMOSE)

Start date: Oct 1, 2013, End date: Sep 30, 2016,

The main objective of the OSMOSE project is to develop a reference architecture, a middleware and some prototypal applications for the Sensing-Liquid Enterprise, by interconnecting Real, Digital and Virtual Worlds in the same way a semi-permeable membrane permits the flow of liquid particles through itself.In concrete terms, the OSMOSE project will design and develop:i.\ta Reference Architecture f ...
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The environment in which modern organizations operate is undergoing a major paradigm shift fuelled by the pervasiveness of ICT and the increasing popularity of social computing. An ever-growing number of organizations are adopting a model of social business, making active use of social media to communicate and engage with key stakeholders. The new social business mindset is redefining many aspects ...
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Background and motivation:The combination of cloud computing, service-orientation, and on-demand application delivery is bringing about a paradigm shift in our ways of computer usage. As the software industry moves closer to service-based application engineering and cloud-based application delivery, the traditional models, methodologies, and technologies for developing and offering software applic ...
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...e a workflow from the accepted/negotiated solution, which will then be automatically monitored, while also available for monitoring by the involved stakeholders, during its execution.The guiding use case is focused on the deployment and maintenance and life cycle support of solar parks. GloNet results are expected to bring major improvements in production and product life cycle support processes s ...
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Description Integrating data in personal and business sphere by a single, user-controlled point of access. The use and disclosure of personal information for private and business life is a major trend in information society. Advantages like enhancing social contacts, personalising services and pro ...
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The European electronic industry faces strong competition with far eastern and US manufacturers. European companies have to respond with improved flexibility to changing requirements and collaborate across the supply chain effectively capitalizing on collaborative decision making, shorter distances, high skill levels and shared cultural understanding. To do so in the electronic industry a number ...
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Dynamic Variability in Complex, Adaptive Systems (DiVA)

Start date: Feb 1, 2008, End date: Mar 31, 2011,

...ess collaborations (e.g., through virtual organizations and dynamic service compositions). This demand is accentuated by the mobile and nomadic nature of many of these domains. The IDC analysts forecast a global increase in number of mobile workers to the level higher than 850 million by 2009 .The goal of this project is to provide a tool-supported methodology and frameworks for managing dynamic ...
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 FINISHED in the fields of e-learning, educational content aggregation and material creation, learning management system and application software integration, and pedagogic standards and models. Led by CAS Software AG, the consortium consists of 8 partners from 7 EC member and associated countries (Germany, Belgium, Swiss, Greece, Cyprus, Italy and Turkey), including software development SMEs, indus ...
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Small European companies compete on their know-how and hence have to use knowledge to their advantage. They are constrained by the scarcity of their resources such as land, labor, and capital, thus they must do more with less. As a result, knowledge housed in European SMEs, must be leveraged so that goals can be achieved in an effective and efficient manner. However, knowledge management programs ...
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ICT Employee empowerment : A portal and online learning tool are in the process of being refined. They will provide work guidance counselors with the skills to train ICT company employees in personalised career management. This project started in 2003 and lasted 36 months.
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