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26 European Projects Found

Searched on 125080 European Projects

Every time we grab an object to look at its geometrical details or to feel if it is hard or soft, we are ineluctably confronted with the limits of our senses. Behind its appearances, the object may still hide information that, encrypted in its microscopic features, remains undetected to our macroscopic assessment. In life sciences, those limits are more than just frustrating: they are an obstacle ...
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Control of the Structure of Light at the Nanoscale (CONSTANS)

Start date: Mar 1, 2014, End date: Feb 28, 2019,

In the last decade, the fields of nanoplasmonics and photonic crystals have opened up the nanoscale for optical control. Both the flow and emission of light can be controlled at these small length scales, giving rise to new science and applications. Interestingly, freely propagating light beams can already contain nanoscale features, i.e. optical singularities. Little is known about this nanoscale ...
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The evolution of plant-fungal markets (MARKETS)

Start date: Feb 1, 2014, End date: Jan 31, 2019,

Throughout the Earth’s history, the mutualism between plants and their fungal partners has mediated nutrient cycles and energy flow in ecosystems. Underground, mycorrhizal fungi and plant roots form vast networks of connected individuals, in which sugars from roots are exchanged for nutrients from fungi.How is cooperation maintained in plant-fungal networks? Selfish individuals can potentially exp ...
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Integrating human agency in global-scale land change models (GLOLAND)

Start date: Feb 1, 2013, End date: Jan 31, 2019,

Current global-scale research on environmental change has a strong focus on the physical processes that underlie changes in the earth system. Although global environmental change is driven by individual and collective human decisions, most earth system and integrated assessment models lack a proper representation of variation in human decision making. The importance of variation in local context h ...
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MooDFOOD is a Multi-country cOllaborative project on the rOle of Diet, Food-related behaviour, and Obesity in the prevention of Depression. Depression is one of the most prevalent, severe and disabling disorders in the EU and places a heavy burden on individuals and families. A large proportion of the EU population is overweight which increases depression risk. Improving food-related behaviour and ...
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"Understanding how cells control their shape is an important scientific goal, since cells in our body constantly need to undergo shape changes to perform vital tasks such as growth and division. Conversely, abnormal cell shape changes contribute to life-threatening diseases such as cancer and developmental disorders. I propose to resolve the physical basis of active cell shape control by studying ...
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"In a developing embryo, each cell has to assume the correct cell fate to yield a viable adult organism. It has become clear that the signaling networks that control development are heavily influenced by molecular noise, i.e. stochastic fluctuations on the molecular level. Intriguingly, in many organisms cell fates are assigned in a stochastic manner. Such stochastic cell fate decisions are though ...
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Novel Photovoltaics Enabled by Nanoscience (NanoEnabledPV)

Start date: Aug 1, 2013, End date: Jul 31, 2018,

The “NanoEnabledPV” research program will exploit the fundamental benefits of nanomaterials and address their challenges to make low-cost solar cells a reality. NanoEnabledPV contains three focus areas necessary to reach our goal:1) “Nano surface doping” – surface-controlled nanomaterial properties. We will explore using charged surface oxides and surface ligands with dipole moments as a novel do ...
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Quantum Chromodynamics at Work (QWORK)

Start date: May 1, 2013, End date: Apr 30, 2018,

Quantum Chromodynamics (QCD) is one of the cornerstones of the Standard Model of particle physics. It describes the world of quarks, anti-quarks and gluons (partons) making up the protons and neutrons and therewith the ordinary matter in our universe. Collisions of protons and heavy nuclei at unprecedented energies in the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at CERN enable experiments that will uncover mec ...
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Life on earth is sustained by the process that converts sunlight energy into chemical energy: photosynthesis. This process is operating near the boundary between life and death: if the absorbed energy exceeds the capacity of the metabolic reactions, it can result in photo-oxidation events that can cause the death of the organism. Over-excitation is happening quite often: oxygenic organisms are exp ...
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Investigating Tectonism-Erosion-Climate-Couplings (ITECC)

Start date: Jan 1, 2013, End date: Jun 30, 2017,

Tectonics and climate are interdependent. The tectonics of orogens are moderated by climate through erosion. Exposure of rock by tectonics or erosion is critical to the feedback which governs changes in global climate, whilst topography influences rainfall. The principle objective of iTECC is to use the Himalaya as a natural laboratory to train young scientists in understanding such coupled proces ...
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In photosynthesis solar light is harvested by an antenna, the energy is transferred to the photosynthetic reaction center where a charge separation occurs. These processes occur on an ultrafast timescale and result in a stable product. The photosynthetic apparatus consists of a complex set of pigment-proteins that perform these delicate processes with a quantum efficiency close to 1. Proteins are ...
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Background:In current drug safety education and training in Europe, an integrative and translational approach is lacking. This shortfall has been identified by EUFEPS. The IMI (‘Strategic Research Agenda’), the FDA and the EMEA have also characterised this fact as a crucial gap in the education and training of scientists evaluating the safety of drug candidates and new medicines. Scope and objecti ...
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The land and oceans have mitigated climate change by taking up about half of the anthropogenic CO2 emitted since the industrial revolution. However, these ‘sinks’ are predicted to lose their efficiency. Globally, the combined sink strength of the land and ocean can be calculated indirectly as the difference between anthropogenic emissions – from fossil fuel burning and deforestation – and the atmo ...
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Our ability to think, to memorize and focus our thoughts depends on acetylcholine signaling in the brain. The loss of cholinergic signalling in for instance Alzheimer’s disease strongly compromises these cognitive abilities. The traditional view on the role of cholinergic input to the neocortex is that slowly changing levels of extracellular acetylcholine (ACh) mediate different arousal states. Th ...
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Plasmonic Metamaterials (PLASMETA)

Start date: Jul 1, 2011, End date: Jun 30, 2016,

"IIn this program I will demonstrate control of light at length scales well below the free-space wavelength, leading to entirely new fundamental phenomena and important applications. The research program is built on specially engineered metamaterials composed of metal nanostructures that support surface plasmons that are embedded in a dielectric. The program is composed of three strongly related t ...
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Science Friction (SciFri)

Start date: Jul 1, 2011, End date: Jun 30, 2016,

"There is no fundamental law that dictates the necessity of losing energy in a sliding contact. In spite of its apparent simplicity, we have a relatively poor understanding of the mechanisms that determine how energy is lost when two bodies are forced to slide over one another. The SciFri project will launch a research attack on friction that will not only deepen our fundamental insight into this ...
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The goal of this project is the development of a suite of nanophotonic devices that interface with spins, for application in quantum information and quantum-enabled classical communi-cation technologies. Our technologies will be based on electron and nuclear spins in semi-conductor quantum dots (QDs) embedded in nanophotonic devices. We will combine knowledge of the physics of semiconductor spin ...
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At the heart of the cell’s ability to maintain its mechanical integrity while dynamically altering its shape is an intimate interaction between plasma membrane and the underlying actin cortex. There is mounting evidence that regulation of actin–membrane anchoring by lipids and dedicated anchoring proteins is critical for the formation of dynamic actin structures needed for essential functions such ...
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Living cells maintain a high degree of functional and structural organization which largely depends on a highly dynamic scaffold, the cytoskeleton, with microtubules (MTs) and actin filaments as the central elements. While both components are comparably well characterized individually, their interplay and mutual regulation remains poorly understood. Precisely their cooperative functioning, however ...
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Protons in liquid water posses an anomalously high mobility compared to other ions. This high mobility results from the fact that hydrated protons are not transported as intact units, i.e. by so called mass transport, but rather form defects that diffuse “structurally” through the water hydrogen-bond network. As such, aqueous proton transfer strongly relies on the structure and dynamics of the wat ...
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The mechanics of cellular processes are determined by the cytoskeleton, a biopolymer network which spans the cell and provides it with mechanical strength. Cells have the capability to autonomously adapt structure and mechanical properties of their cytoskeletal network to changes in physical properties of the surrounding tissue, for which mechanosensing processes play an important role, allowing c ...
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"Worldwide there is great excitement about two new ultrafast XUV/x-ray sources that are presently coming available. Attosecond XUV pulses by high-harmonic generation (HHG) will now allow for the first time to “make movies” of ultrafast electron motion, and thereby to investigate photo-chemical processes beyond the Born-Oppenheimer limit. At the same time, XUV/x-ray Free Electron Lasers (FELs) base ...
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Imaging and CONtrol In Chemistry - ICONIC (Iconic)

Start date: Sep 1, 2009, End date: Aug 31, 2013,

Velocity map imaging (VMI) has enabled a number of remarkable advances in the field of molecular dynamics over the past few years. Owing to the robustness of VMI, exciting new applications are anticipated. ICONIC will link 15 European partners using and improving VMI in a four year program spanning several areas of experimental physics and chemistry and underpinning technologies in lasers, imaging ...
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Femtosecond Lasers for the generation of Ultrafast XUV pulses (FLUX)

Start date: Nov 1, 2008, End date: Oct 31, 2012,

"We propose a IAPP project bringing together three Academic teams that are involved in the development and application of attosecond techniques, and two Industrial partners that produce high intensity femtosecond laser equipment and diagnostics instrumentation. This project will lead to the realization of unique femtosecond amplifier systems and the development of new attosecond XUV and single/fe ...
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Water has a paramount importance in chemical, biochemical and electrochemical processes. However, very little information is known about the microscopic mechanism by which water affects these processes. This is due to the fact that water in the condensed phase shows ultrafast (sub-picosecond) molecular dynamics and forms an extremely inhomogeneous system. Femtosecond pump-probe mid-infrared spectr ...
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