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Over 40 European Projects Found

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Robots Understanding Their Actions by Imagining Their Effects (IMAGINE)

Start date: Jan 1, 2017, End date: Dec 31, 2020,

"Today's robots are good at executing programmed motions, but they do not understand their actions in the sense that they could automatically generalize them to novel situations or recover from failures. IMAGINE seeks to enable robots to understand the structure of their environment and how it is affected by its actions. "Understanding" here means the ability of the robot (a) to determine the ap ...
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Personal Technologies for Affective Health (AffecTech)

Start date: Jan 1, 2017, End date: Dec 31, 2020,

Personalized health is a European priority and one of the strategic research areas for Horizon 2020. This project advances the state-of-the-art of personal health technologies for affective disorders, estimated to be the highest ranking cause of disease by 2020. It marks a significant shift from the current wearable technologies capturing emotional responses whose understanding usually requires ph ...
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"How and why did the Ottoman Empire evolve from a fourteenth-century polity where "confessional ambiguity" between Sunnism and Shiism prevailed into an Islamic state concerned with defining and enforcing a "Sunni orthodoxy" by the early sixteenth century? Recent historiography attributes this new concern with "orthodoxy" in the Ottoman Empire to the rise of the rival Shii Safavid Empire at the tur ...
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Water - Sustainable Point-Of-Use Treatment Technologies (WATERSPOUTT)

Start date: Jun 1, 2016, End date: May 31, 2020,

The WHO estimates that in 2015 in Africa ~156 million people relied on untreated sources for their drinking water. WATERSPOUTT will design, develop, pilot and field-test a range of, sustainable point-of-use solar disinfection (SODIS) technologies that will provide affordable access to safe water to remote and vulnerable communities in Africa and elsewhere. These novel large-volume water treatment ...
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SIGN-HUB aims to provide the first comprehensive response to the societal and scientific challenge resulting from generalized neglect of the cultural and linguistic identity of signing Deaf communities in Europe. It will provide an innovative and inclusive resource hub for the linguistic, historical and cultural documentation of the Deaf communities' heritage and for sign language assessment in cl ...
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Towards a European THeory Of juStice and fairness (ETHOS)

Start date: Jan 1, 2017, End date: Dec 31, 2019,

"ETHOS seeks to provide building blocks for the development of the an empirically informed European theory of justice by (a) refining and deepening the knowledge on the European foundations of justice - both historically based and contemporary envisaged; (b) enhancing the awareness of the mechanism that impede the realisation of the justice ideals that live in contemporary Europe; (c) advancing th ...
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EPOS Implementation Phase (EPOS IP)

Start date: Oct 1, 2015, End date: Sep 30, 2019,

The nations of Europe are distributed around some of the most complex and dynamic geological systems on the planet and understanding these is essential to the security of livelihoods and economic power of Europeans. Many of the solutions to the grand challenges in the geosciences have been led by European scientists – the understanding of stratigraphy (the timing and distribution of layers of sedi ...
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CONTEXTThe VALIDATION and RECOGNITION of PRIOR NON-FORMAL and INFORMAL LEARNING (VPL) is a priority of EU educational policies and central to lifelong and life-wide learning. The aim is to strengthen the flexibility of learning pathways to increase labour market transition and mobility across Europe. Key objective is to enhance employability and labour market opportunities for disadvantaged indivi ...
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International Language Teacher Education Research Group

Start date: Sep 1, 2016, End date: Aug 31, 2019,

It is widely accepted that collaboration leads to greater productivity and impact (Katz & Martin, 1997). It is most widely encountered in sciences, but there is a growing interest in social sciences towards establishment of research groups for gathering research fellows who are interested in the same research area. The main aim of the ILTERG project is to establish international research groups wh ...
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Starting from previous research experiences and tangible outcomes, STORM proposes a set of novel predictive models and improved non-invasive and non-destructive methods of survey and diagnosis, for effective prediction of environmental changes and for revealing threats and conditions that could damage cultural heritage sites. Moreover, STORM will determine how different vulnerable materials, struc ...
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The project entitled Building Bridges: Promoting Social Inclusion and Wellbeing for Families of Children with Special Needs (PSI_WELL) proposes an innovative approach aimed to facilitate social inclusion and wellbeing for families confronting with disabled children through adult education for parents. The project is addressing to the specific needs of families parenting children with special needs ...
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Enhancing Postgraduate Environments

Start date: Oct 15, 2015, End date: Oct 14, 2018,

The Higher Education sector in South Africa is going through a fundamental transformation process, addressing several challenges such as inequality of representation amongst existing staff, high student : staff ratios, low throughput rates, limited qualifications of existing staff and an inadequate postgraduate pipeline. Therefore, the government aims to identify and nurture academic talent, supp ...
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Adult immigrants require literacy and numeracy in the language of the community to participate in the economic and social life of that community. While many post-industrialized countries fund programmes to actively support the development of immigrants’ basic and more advanced literacy skills, in most of these countries, there is no specific training and development for teachers who work with the ...
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Start date: Sep 1, 2015, End date: Aug 31, 2018,

Goals–Rationale The situation of employment of Young People in Europe is very poor, especially for those who are "nowhere" (NEETs). On the other hand, actions, initiatives, innovative practices arise on the field that are motivating and putting people on the move. It is important to foster such actions, propagate them towards different actors and territories, and built upon them, for another step ...
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The GREEN-WIN project will develop a major international transdisciplinary research collaboration to apply a solution-oriented approach targeted at increasing the understanding of links between climate action and sustainability and overcoming implementation barriers through win-win strategies. The project will critically assess where and under which conditions win-win and in particular green growt ...
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ShakerMaker brings together mainstream manufacturers and makers (i.e. tech-savvy craftsmen driven by social innovation and open source principles) in an purposely designed ecosystem built to enable cross-boundary partnerships for innovation. The partnerships will be facilitated by a targeted programme piloted in four locations in Europe and curated by experienced facilitators. Combining skills and ...
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Sensory Feedback for Improved Prosthesis Control (SENSPRO)

Start date: Apr 1, 2014, End date: Mar 31, 2018,

"Functional substitution of a lost limb is necessary for persons with an amputation to perform daily life explorations and manipulations in their environment. In the case of a hand loss, affective reasons gain importance as amputees often indicate the desire to feel the warmth of a loved one’s touch. These considerations provide two key characteristics of successful prosthetics: (1) intuitive cont ...
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Higher education student and staff mobility project

Start date: Jun 1, 2016, End date: Sep 30, 2017,

This is a higher education student and staff mobility project, please consult the website of the organisation to obtain additional details.
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Colibri will contribute to the Modernisation of European Higher Education by developing new and innovative teaching approaches, increase labour market relevance of education, and promote the take-up of innovative practices in education. Colibri will focus specifically on personalised learning, collaborative learning, and use of ICT. Moreover, Colibri is based on strengthening the link between comp ...
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Higher education student and staff mobility project

Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2017,

This is a higher education student and staff mobility project, please consult the website of the organisation to obtain additional details.
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All Rights Reserved? Barriers towards EUropean CITIZENship (BEUCITIZEN)

Start date: May 1, 2013, End date: Apr 30, 2017,

The European Court of Justice expects European citizenship to become the fundamental status of nationals of the Member States. It ‘lies at the heart of the European integration process’. The treaties, legislation, and case law have given Europeans an increasing number of rights. Yet the European Commission complains that these remain underused. Therefore, it has included in FP7 a call for a large- ...
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Coupling effects in magnetic patterned nanostructures (COEF-MAGNANO)

Start date: Jan 1, 2013, End date: Dec 31, 2016,

The scientific objective of this programme is to achieve a comprehensive knowledge of magnetically coupled systems of reduced dimensionality. Spin configuration, magnetic and electrical properties of patterned nanostructures will be investigated in three kinds of magnetically coupled materials: antiferromagnetic / ferromagnetic (AF/FM), very thin multilayers with perpendicular anisotropy and super ...
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Accelerating and Rescaling Transitions to Sustainability (ARTS)

Start date: Dec 1, 2013, End date: Nov 30, 2016,

The objective of ARTS is to benefit policy, practice and theory related to accelerating sustainability transitions and to create opportunities for innovation (including social innovation) by coupling, rescaling and accelerating sustainability initiatives in European city-regions. ARTS will create interfaces between policy, practice and theory that are spaces for co-creation, theory building, polic ...
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IRRESISTIBLEIn the project IRRISITIBLE partners work together to make young people more aware about Responsible Research and Innovation issues. Universities and science centres will cooperate in the project using the expertise they have in linking formal land informal learning.For a long term effect the project focusses on teacher training. Each partner will form a Community of Learners in which t ...
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Critical Infrastructures (CIs) provide essential goods and services for modern society; they are highly integrated and have growing mutual dependencies. Recent natural events have shown that cascading failures of CIs have the potential for multi-infrastructure collapse and widespread societal and economic consequences.Moving toward a safer and more resilient society requires improved and standardi ...
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Enhancement of Skills in Retail

Start date: Sep 1, 2014, End date: Aug 31, 2016,

Recent research carried out in Turkey showed that the retail sector vocational training is limited to an average of 5 hours. On the one hand there are the companies where the staff trainings are exclusively well-done, with multiple sessions and effective methodology; on the other hand most of the companies organize the trainings orientation-like meetings. That creates a low profile for the retail ...
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This research on language and power in Central Asia describes how oral expressive culture can allow alternate forms of political and ancestral authority to emerge in dialogue, and can challenge the totality of authoritarian rule in repressive states. This project in linguistic anthropology, based upon long-term ethnographic research in Central Asia, investigates the stories, prayers, and conversa ...
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The growing size and complexity of socio-technical systems such as energy and transportation, as well as rising concerns about the sustainability of the ways these systems function, create an increasing need for strategies and policies that would facilitate the penetration of sustainability innovations in these systems. Niche-based policies (e.g. strategic niche management (SNM)) that advocate nur ...
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"Pervasive Healthcare is focused on working out how to cope with the next generation challenges in healthcare. Addressing these challenges will require expertise and knowledge exchange with countries beyond European borders as well as training of the next generation of researchers in order to gain the expertise necessary to be able to address the upcoming challenges. Moreover, research on Pervasiv ...
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Large Deviations for Random Walks in Random Environments (LargeDevRWRE)

Start date: Sep 1, 2012, End date: Aug 31, 2016,

Random walk in random environment (RWRE) is one of the standard models in the study of random media. Originally motivated by molecular biology applications and subsequently used in the modeling of disordered systems, it has been a constant source of fascinating mathematical phenomena and challenging open problems over the last four decades. The theory of large deviations is a cornerstone of modern ...
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Seppa In-Service

Start date: Aug 1, 2014, End date: Jul 31, 2016,

One of the most important objectives in the strategy of Jyväskylä Educational Consortium and its general upper secondary school education is the growing international competence of the staff. The Seppa-In-Service -project is in the line with the outlines of the internationalisation activities of the Jyväskylä Educational Consortium. There are eight teachers who took part in Erasmus+KA1 -program s ...
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PRACE - Third Implementation Phase Project (PRACE-3IP)

Start date: Jul 1, 2012, End date: Jun 30, 2016,

PRACE-3IP supports the accelerated implementation of the pan-European HPC Research Infrastructure (RI) created in April 2010. It continues, complements, and extends the work of the PRACE-1IP and -2IP projects.PRACE-3IP addresses the computational and simulation needs of European scientific communities and of industry to keep them at the forefront of discovery. Our vision is the formation of an int ...
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The recent devastating earthquakes and associated tsunamis in Japan, Indonesia, and Haiti, which killed more than half a million people, highlighted how mankind is still far away from a satisfactory level of seismic risk mitigation. Among the regions around the Mediterranean Sea for which earthquakes represent a major threat to their social and economic development, the area around the Marmara Se ...
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ENTITLE. European Network of Political Ecology (ENTITLE)

Start date: May 1, 2012, End date: Apr 30, 2016,

"ENTITLE will train 17 researchers in the emerging supra-disciplinary field of Political Ecology, giving them the theoretical, analytical and complementary skills that will make them employable in jobs related to environmental policy analysis and advocacy. Research and training are framed around five key cluster sub-programmes concerned with the analysis of: environmental conflicts; environmental ...
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Improving therapy and intervention through imaging (TAHITI)

Start date: Apr 16, 2012, End date: Apr 15, 2016,

"The scientific objective of the programme is to design, develop, and validate new imaging technologies to improve the performance and safety of therapeutic and interventional procedures. Improving therapy and surgery planning will be approached using multimodal imaging strategies, lesion and dysfunctional tissue characterization, efficient segmentation and image fusion techniques. Image guided t ...
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Current Account, Informal Economy and Fiscal Policy (Cainf)

Start date: Apr 1, 2012, End date: Mar 31, 2016,

The proposed project aims to develop an open economy model using state of the art techniques of dynamic macroeconomics that incorporates informal economy and fiscal policy. This model will be used to analyze the effects of the presence of an informal sector on the external balances of European countries, specifically how it affects the current account balance, productivity, competitiveness and the ...
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Scientific publications are the main media through which researchers report their new findings. The huge amount and the continuing rapid growth of the number of published articles in biomedicine, has made it particularly difficult for researchers to access and utilize the knowledge contained in them. Currently, there are over 21 million publications indexed in PubMed, which is the main system tha ...
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Magnetic Nano Actuators for Quantitative Analysis (MANAQA)

Start date: Aug 1, 2012, End date: Jan 31, 2016,

The MANAQA project is a multidisciplinary approach that combines innovative technologies emerging from different fields including nanotechnology, biochemistry, and nanorobotics. The strategy that will be exploited is based on a recently developed 5-DOF magnetic manipulation system combined with an atomic force microscope (AFM) system and functionalized magnetic nanowires. The fusion of these techn ...
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Higher education student and staff mobility project

Start date: Jun 1, 2014, End date: Sep 30, 2015,

Our KA103 project comprises study and traineeship mobilities for students and teaching and training mobility for staff in higher education. 336 students have participated in the SMS program in 20 distinct countries and 136 distinct institutions. 11 students have participated in the SMP program in 6 distinct countries and 11 distinct institutions. 6 academic personnel have participated in the STA ...
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Patterns and Surfaces (PAS)

Start date: Oct 1, 2011, End date: Sep 30, 2015,

The proposed international partnership with the US, Japan, Canada and Russia as third countries and France, Turkey and Israel as beneficiary counties is focused on multi-phase flows that have technological applications. The science focus will be pattern generation, mixing, instabilities, and the control of such flows. The partnership has unique research aspects. The substantial resources of the pa ...
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