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16 European Projects Found

Searched on 125080 European Projects

The innovative and economic potential of Manufactured Nano Materials (MNMs) is threatened by a limited understanding of the related EHS issues. While toxicity data is continuously becoming available, the relevance to regulators is often unclear or unproven. The shrinking time to market of new MNM drives the need for urgent action by regulators. NANoREG is the first FP7 project to deliver the answe ...
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The overall scope of the DAPhNE project is to develop and demonstrate a package of integrated solutions for energy intensive processes (ceramics, cement and glass), based on tuning micro-wave technologies to the material characteristics and on intelligent control systems, to provide real time information about the energy consumption as well as the product quality.Microwave heating is now a well e ...
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Natural gas may be liquefied at -160oC thereby reducing its volume and providing an economic means for its transportation. Liquefied natural gas (LNG) enables gas markets to be connected with more distant export sources thereby improving market competitiveness and stability. Effective thermal insulation is critical to energy management throughout the LNG value chain, impacting on competitiveness a ...
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The goal of Light2CAT is to develop new, highly efficient visible-light-activated titanium dioxide for inclusion in concretes to be used in structures across the whole of Europe to improve ambient air quality independent, for the first time, of local climate conditions. The need to improve air quality in European Countries has been identified as a major requirement to be achieved within the next d ...
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The NANO-HVAC project concept aims at developing an innovative approach for ducts insulation while introducing new cleaning and maintenance technologies, all enabled by cost-effective application of nanotechnology. The main concepts are:1. Safe, high insulating HVAC-ducts enabling minimization of heat/cool losses: cost-effective, safe and extremely thin insulating duct layers that can be applied ...
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The SAM.SSA project aims at developing new phase change materials (PCM) for thermal energy seasonal storage applications (STES) in the range of medium temperatures. The generated materials shall provide:• Low cost, environmentally sound and safe solutions for seasonal storage applications• Easy adjustment of the melting point for optimal ”tuning” to the required applications• Energy densities > 20 ...
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"The construction industry routinely experiences environments that demand excellent insulation performance – in terms of high humidity or applications demanding high fire resistance. These environments often present complex shapes and limited and difficult to reach space for such insulation materials. Whilst many insulation materials are available commercially, few combine a wide range of high l ...
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Government authorities, restoration architects and conservation scientists have always had to face the problem of deterioration of historic building materials, in particular stone, wood and glass; an issue that has become more and more urgent since climate change has worsened natural decay and the impact of atmospheric pollution. In addition in recent years socio-economic requirements have claimed ...
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Energy Efficiency (EE) in construction sector is nowadays the best chance to boost green economy in Europe, generating new business opportunities that will foster high quality employment creation helping to recover a strategic sector ruined by crisis.There is a fundamental barrier that is preventing this from happening: SMEs presence in the construction sector is remarkable with a fundamental impa ...
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Background The vast quantity of natural stone products used in the construction industry generates significant amounts of slurry deposits - estimated at five million tonnes per year in Europe. These deposits are often toxic as they contain chemicals from the mining processes, yet they are typically disposed of in poorly controlled or un-controlled dumps. ...
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Multi-source Energy Storage System Integrated in Buildings (MESSIB)

Start date: Mar 1, 2009, End date: Feb 28, 2013,

The overall objective of MESSIB is the development, evaluation and demonstration of an affordable multi-source energy storage system (MESS) integrated in building, based on new materials, technologies and control systems, for significant reduction of its energy consumption and active management of the building energy demand. This new concept will reduce and manage smartly the electrical energy req ...
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Background Natural stone production has many related environmental problems, including very low energy efficiency and productivity, the generation of huge amounts of waste, and non-optimised use of natural resources. The impact and significance of these problems become apparent when one considers that to produce 190 m2 of stone tiles, corresponding to the ...
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El objetivo final del proyecto E4R es impulsar y promover la rehabilitación, desde un punto de vista de eficiencia energética, de edificios existentes en el espacio SUDOE con la implicación de todos los agentes del sector. Para ello, se desarrollará un portal web con herramientas prácticas que ayuden a establecer criterios destinados a evaluar la eficiencia, tanto energética como económica, de los ...
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The project will establish a cooperation network to address mobility, vocational training and lifelong learning problems in the cement industry. The groups targeted comprise employees, new entrants, graduates, employers and instructors. The products include a lifelong learning paper, operational guidelines, common professional qualifications in 5 specific areas, common training programmes and mat ...
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Statistics show that many workers are looking forward to moving to other EU countries and employers are glad to receive this foreign workforce, but both groups experience problems in terms of insufficient harmonization of training and lack of knowledge regarding specific equivalences.The main aim of this project was to develop an innovative information tool specialised in the construction sector t ...
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In order to fulfill the needs for the construction professionals in the rehabilitation of buildings it is essential to executeproperly an identification of knowledge, skills and competences. The MATRIX developed during SQF-CON, which constitutesthe innovative product to be transferred, will be used to assess learners and professionals knowledge, skills andcompetence in the field of buildings rehab ...
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