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13 European Projects Found

Searched on 125080 European Projects

Immigration is a key support to labour force growth and a common practice among EU countries, especially in lower skilled occupations. Countries such as Italy, Greece and Cyprus have been fuelled by migrants arriving from the Balkans during the past 15 years. Despite the large number of migrants within the EU, severe barriers are identified to their progress and social integration in the receiving ...
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Life expectancy is growing. So there is an equally growing need to fully integrate senior citizens in this Knowledge and Information society where ICT tools play a crucial role. Their current exclusion, due to technological illiteracy, prevents them from fully exercising their rights but also prevents Society from benefitting from their large experience, life-wisdom and know-how. Furthermore, with ...
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Aim of the project is developing and experimenting an ECVET system for professional profile of elderly caregiver, providing assistance at home or in nursing homes/shelters. The process will lead to sign a partnership agreement between Italian, Romanian and Polish institutions allowing students to obtain credits, achieving a qualification in the care field, recognized all over the territories of ex ...
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Estimates show that at least 20 million people are over-indebted in Europe. According to EU SILC Portugal ranks 2nd, Italy and Spain 6th and Greece 9th for arrears in the household in Europe and, respectively, 1st, 3dt, 4th and 5th in the EU GINI Index. On the other hand, those countries have not yet developed significant strategies and tools for the prevention of over-indebtedness, for ex. all co ...
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Eurocarers define a carer as “a person that looks after family, partners, friends or neighbours in need of help because they are ill, frail or have a disability. The care they provide is unpaid.” In the EU27, 3% of people state that they care for an elderly or disabled relative several times a week, 4% do it once or twice a week and 8% do so less than once a week. Altogether, a quarter of people r ...
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Care talents aim is to transfer in the Italian context the identification system, acknowledgement, and validation of the competences developed and experienced by workers operating in elderly and disabled assistance. A system currently utilized in France. In particoular we mean to:Elaborate the French model, very structured and widely experimented, of validation of the developed experiences; Value ...
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The ageing process of European population is having impact not only on the health care field, but also on labour, VET and migration policies and process. In fact, the number of elderly people in Greece has increased in the last 10 years and has now reached almost the 19% of the population. Among them, 160.000 (and this number is going to increase enormously over the next decade) are estimated to ...
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The partners of this Transfer of Innovation project all work within their own countries to provide the opportunities for marginalised groups to engage with education, training and employment to gain recognition for existing and newly acquired skills and thereby gain access to the labour market. Through participation in a previous Leonardo Partnership Project: ‘Assessing and Validating non-formally ...
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 FINISHED nr. 4, 61738 Bucuresti, (RO)- DRK-Landesverband Hessen e.V., staatlich anerkannte Lehranstalt für Altenpflege (RotkreuzCampus), Geschwister-Scholl-Str. 28, 61476 Konberg in Taunus 8DE)- ANS Anziani e Non Solo, Via Lenin 55, 41012 Carpi (MO), (IT)- TRANSFER, Wielowiejska 28, 04-884 Warsaw (PL)- CJD Maximiliansau, Rheinstrasse 1, 76744 Woerth (Rhein) (DE)
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The COMETA project aims to develop and implement a credit transfer system based on ECVET for learning outcomes transversal to a cluster of professions of the care sector. The system will therefore allow the mutual recognition of credits which can be used to achieve the qualification required in the country/region of destination, notwithstanding the type or level of training attended in the country ...
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The partnership, ASK, seeked to analyse different methods of assessing and certificating non-formal and informally acquired skills in vocational education and training in the participating regions. The partnership brought together organisations which were already using more or less standardized methods in their training courses. However, they felt their assessment tools and certification process c ...
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In 1980s and 1990s “long-term care” was primarily a range of services that were offered to frail older adults living in institutes that provided health care, personal care, and rehabilitation services, usually for extended periods of time. Quality management practices allow long-term care facilities to respond to environmental and industry changes. In the last few years, terms such as “total quali ...
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The project targets young adult carers (YAC) with caring responsibilites (towards dependent parents, siblings or other relatives) which according to statistics, represent around 5% of people aged 18-24. This group, is further disadvantaged among an existing vulnerable group of our population(ie carers), significantly because their educational and employment opportunities are often limited by the r ...
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