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6 European Projects Found

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Vanno assumendo sempre maggiore importanza le malattie veicolate da zecche e insetti ematofagi (cosiddette malattie associate a vettori), per causa delle mutate condizioni climatiche e per via di una maggiore circolazione per viaggi e trasporti. E' pertanto urgentemente necessario procedere al rilevamento delle zecche e degli insetti ematofagi (cosiddetti vettori) presenti sul territorio, dimostra ...
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"Climate change, impacts and adaptation strategies in the Alpine Space” is a strategic project with the aim to give concrete input to a future Alpine Space Programme based on conclusions about the type of climate changes in the Alpine Space and its potential effects. By a general assessment of historical climate changes and its impacts as well as by climate models, future scenarios and their effec ...
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The Alpine Region is regarded as the most valuable source of clean drinking water in Europe and of great importance for hydro power use. Management of water as an extremely valuable resource is guaranteed by numerous reservoirs enabling a third essential task: flood protection. Sediments are transported in rivers originated from natural geomorphological processes in alpine regions accumulating mat ...
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Start date: Apr 30, 2003, End date: Sep 29, 2006,

ALPS MOBILITY II focusses on transnational and transsectoral co-operation to promote sustainable development in the Alpine Region by providing a combination of transalpine measures for ecotourism and ecomobility. The project centers on an innovative ecotourism and ecomobility package called „Alpine Pearls“, by linking the protection of the ecologically sensitive Alpine Space, the creation of envi ...
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In the HAHAS project the partners will visit and learn about each others countries through the exploration of humour as it is manifest in many art forms. Together we will: 1 Learn the theory and practice of humour to promote health, well being, and learning in later life, as well as improving communication and motivation. 2 Explore the manifestations of humour in different media in our different c ...
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Reason: The International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF,WHO 2002) is a classification of health and disability. The ICF-CY (Children/Youth with 1400 items) represents WHO's quality frame for assessments for children. Former "EQM-PD" introduced ICF online assessment into the field of assistance for adult persons with disability (PwD); ICF-Train transfered these online to ...
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