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ICF-Train - Social Online Skill Training: ICT-based team learning in ICF

Reason: The International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF,WHO 2002) is a classification of health and disability. The ICF-CY (Children/Youth with 1400 items) represents WHO's quality frame for assessments for children. Former "EQM-PD" introduced ICF online assessment into the field of assistance for adult persons with disability (PwD); ICF-Train transfered these online tools into the work with children.Need: Despite political will in EU28 the implementation of ICF-CY into training and practice is poorly performed, especially in complex teams, where diverse professionals work together, like in Early Childhood Intervention (ECI). The specificity of ECI is the provision of a team support (MD, psychologist, special educator) to children with SEN (special educational needs) to prevent further disability (3-4% of children; Eurydice). OECD recognized a EU-wide problem with these vulnerable children, pointing out a lack of standards and of comparable assessment tools. Particularly children from ethnic minorities or socio-economical disadvantaged background are at risk.The EU-Agency on Special Needs Education ( (2005/2010) recognized that EU countries are moving to scenarios where initial assessment of needs in ECI is conducted by transdisciplinary teams but also that a common language (ICF_CY), comparable quality and the usage of ICT are missing –due to a lack of accessible skill-training material and practicable tools (directly linked to practice) (Krauss 2007)Aims/objectives ICF-train increased the quality and use of ICT-assessment in transdisciplinary teams by web 2.0 joint learning. ICF-Train closed the gap between political will and practical implementation by transferring online assessment and training tools related to services for adult PwD ( into the work with children. Tangible/intangible outcomesR1: Online team assessment using ICF-CY as a language for professionals and clientsR2: real-time online skill training tool in a community of practice (web2.0 based): Uploaded training-cases serve as mutual learning material (DE,EN,TR,FR,PT,SK) + Training resource poolR3: Customized tool kit for individualized learningIntangible: Increased quality of serviceConsortium:The consortium included the developer of eqm-pd, partner in training and EU-dissemination within a mulitgeographical perspective (AT,DE,BE,PT,TR,SK)IMPACT:On the job skill web.2.0 tools increase the quality of service delivery and in-service training for 120 ECI centres (T; DE: implementing of national (BAR) recommendations related to ECI services, availability of training tools for mainstream training. PT: Supporting accessible training tools within new legal requirements. ICF-Train supported the implementation of EU policy in SK, BE, TR by an ict-based practical (skill-oriented) community of practice.

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