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16 European Projects Found

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EVS - learning about youngsters from abroad and Austria

Start date: Sep 1, 2016, End date: Feb 28, 2018,

The EVS project "learning about youngsters from abroad and Austria" will take place in 2 different hosting organisations:In the Jugendhaus & Lehrlingsstiftung there will be hosted a volunteer from Denmark from september 2016 on, for the duration of 10 months.In the Diakoniewerk Gallneukirchen there will be hosted 6 volunteers from 6 different countries (Poland, Italy, Spain, Turkey, Germany and Un ...
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Keep calm and volunteer in Europe

Start date: Jan 1, 2016, End date: Dec 31, 2017,

...will be sending organization for five Polish volunteers who will be hosted by the Greek organization Orfeas based in Xylokastro and for 2 volunteers who will be hosted by the Italian organization Alce Nero in Mantova. In Greece, the volunteers will assist teachers in working with children in kindergarten and at the Center for Creative Work (all projects last six months, from February 2016 2 peopl ...
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childrEn moVe on Summercamp

Start date: May 18, 2016, End date: May 17, 2017,

This Evs project allows to two volunteers, Eva Garcia-Galan Diez e Adrienn Kadek, to take part in to Alce Nero's activities in the field of children and anti-discrimination, all activities lasting three months.Alce nero will be responsible of the coordinating of the project with sending organisations involved ( Building Bridges Asociacion and YMCA Nesvady), for the distribution of the grant among ...
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Education and Volunteering for Support to immigration

Start date: Jan 4, 2016, End date: Apr 3, 2017,

...olve 2 spanish volunteers: Iris Bueno del Valle a 25 years old who has a degree in Science of Primary education, will do her volunteering in the Centro di Aggregazione Giovanile of Lunetta managed by Alce Nero. Her sending organisation is Asociacion Mentes Abiertas from Madrid. Patricia Nunez Baez, a 27 years old educator, will do her EVS at casa della Rosa in Goito (Associazione Abramo Onlus). H ...
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InterEVSaction for Disability

Start date: Jan 1, 2016, End date: Mar 31, 2017,

...nd will have the possibility to develop a personal project within the service. All volunteers will have the opportunity to develop personalised activities based on their interest, ideas and skills.Alce Nero will be responsible for the coordination of the project with the sending and host organisations and for the distribution of of the grant among the partners, in line to their respective responsa ...
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Start date: Aug 3, 2015, End date: Sep 2, 2016,

...ed in cultural activities (artistic workshops, teatrical activities, cultural presentation, organisation of events) and will always be assisted by a member of the Association. As sending orgnisation, Alce Nero will be responsible of the preperation of the volunteer before the departure, will keep in touch with the volunteer and the host association during all the duration of the project and will m ...
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Summer Camp in Mantova

Start date: May 4, 2015, End date: May 3, 2016,

This evs project allowed two volunteers, Cristina Rubio Martinez and Celia Perez Garcia, to take part in Alce Nero'activities in the field of children and anti – discrimination. During three months, the volunteers have helped the educators in all activities of the Mantua's summercamp for children from 6 to 12 years old. Alce Nero has been responsible for the coordination of the project with the s ...
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Start date: Feb 3, 2015, End date: Feb 29, 2016,

...this project, four sending organisations are involved. The volunteers are Canelle and Camille from France, Martyna is Lithuanian but is now living in Clermont-Ferrand (France) and Elvira from Spain. Alce Nero will be responsible for the coordination of the project with the sending and host organisations and for the distribution of of the grant among the partners, in line to their respective respo ...
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Polish EVS Volunteers for Citizens of Europe

Start date: Jul 31, 2014, End date: Jan 30, 2016,

The project focuses on three target audiences: - 9 volunteers from Poland - 7 partner organizations: 6 hosting organizations from among the Programme Countries and Partner Countries of Eastern Europe and Caucasus, and 1 organization with sending and coordinating roles - the local community of the area where Polish volunteers shall spend within EVS The topic of the project is activation of the lo ...
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Start date: Feb 3, 2015, End date: Nov 2, 2015,

...uture occupability and give the chance to express solidarity to other people and support to local communities. A pro-active methodology has been be used, stimulating curiosity and a dynamic approach. Alce Nero has been responsible for the coordination of the project with the sending and host organisations and for the distribution of the grant among the partners, in line to their respective respons ...
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Start date: Feb 3, 2015, End date: Nov 2, 2015, among high schools in the area of Mantua. Maria helped the staff of the secretary office of the festival in the organisation of the 2015 edition. In particular, Maria worked in the logistic field. Alce Nero has been responsible for the coordination of the project with the sending and host organisations and for the distribution of of the grant among the partners, in line to their respective res ...
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Start date: Aug 1, 2012,

Project host 3 volunteers (Italy, France and Portugal) for 8 to 9 months enCastuera (Badajoz). Events take place in three organizations working in the field of disability of Extremadura.
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Lève ta main II

Start date: Feb 1, 2009,

Le projet s'est inscrit dans la continuité du travail enclenché en 2008 avec la coopérative Acle Nero, la province de Mantova et sur le plan local, avec le Conseil Général de l'Hérault et la ville de Frontignan.Il s'agissait de placer un contexte européen, via la France et l'Italie, afin de mieux appréhender la vie quotidienne, comprendre les interactions entre le niveau européen et le niveau loca ...
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...ganisations at local level, working in the cultural field (at Associazione Filofestival, EIRef 2007-IT-72) and in the field of social inclusion (immigrants and disadvantaged youngsters at cooperativa Alce Nero EIRef 2007-IT-78 and at cooperativa Mosaico EIRef 2007-IT-73, disabled people at cooperativa Agorà EIRef 2007-IT-75 and cooperativa La Quercia EIReference 2007-IT-77, homeless and deprived w ...
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Start date: Dec 1, 2007,

Youngsters of 4 different countries meet around the theme of youth participation and inclusion in social life.They will discuss about the possible ways for multiplying activities and projects on this issue and increasing their quality.The title refers to the two different topics the exchange will focus on: the first is inclusion of diversity, and the second is the final product: a multilingual new ...
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Pyramide of Babel

Start date: Oct 15, 2007,

This Youth exchange will bring together 39 participants from 6 different countries, to discuss issues related to a tolerant behavior in nowadays society.explore the diversity of the meaning of tolerance across the different European Cultures. Explore ways of being tolerant as well as the importance or adquancy of this concept as a tool to face racism and xenophobia, throught non-formal education.
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