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7 European Projects Found

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Geography of Inshore Fishing and Sustainability (GIFS)

Start date: Nov 30, 2011, End date: Sep 29, 2014,

The maritime zones situated in the Channel & North Sea are vitally important to the fishing industry that is facing significant changes and challenges. The GIFS project aims to explore the socio-economic and cultural importance of inshore fishing and to provide a pilot project in fisheries-based community regeneration. The goal is to incorporate these factors far more clearly into fisheries and ma ...
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The macroalgae industry is mainly based on harvesting of natural resources of macroalgae. Worldwide macroalgae production increases by 5.7% every year, in 2008 nearly 14 mill tons of macroalgae was produced from capture and aquaculture. In Europe the production has decreased in the last 10 years. The further expansion of the industry depends on sustainable increased access to raw material, develop ...
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Objectif général :Le projet CHARM 3 a pour but de contribuer à la préservation des ressources marines en Manche en approfondissant les connaissances sur les ressources marines de la zone et en fournissant des outils pour améliorer la gestion durable de l’espace Manche.En effet, l'éco-région Manche, une des zones où le trafic maritime est le plus intense du monde et constitue une voie de passage ob ...
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TradPro’s principal objectives are to develop stronger relationships between universities and food industry professionals, food safety authorities and consumers, and enhance the capacities of universities in RU & KZ to develop new curricula that meet the most pressing needs of the economic sector and enhance graduates’ employment opportunities. To do so, TradPro aims to update and modernise existi ...
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* Objectif général :- Modernisation méthodes, contenu formations Sc Techn. Vivant (STV) en établissant relations Univ-milieu prof., afin améliorer employabilité diplômés, satisfaire besoins entreprises, faciliter transfert innovations techno.* Projet répond :- volonté politique prioritaire Etat réduire chômage diplômés,- nécessité Univ. adapter formations et appuis aux besoins milieu économique,- ...
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* Objectif général :- Modernisation Enseigt. Sup. MD par rénovation méthodes enseigt. avec recours expérimental au e learning. (Consortium : 9 Univ. MD ; appui 7 Univ. UE : BE, ES, FT, IT, RO).- Projet vise création réseau numérique interuniversitaire (UNT) réalisant formations en ligne Sci. fondam. et appl., Econ. et gestion, en réponse à : - volonté politique rénovation, exprimée par Min. ...
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The project aims at developing university – enterprises relations through: a) studies to define the competencies and skills which that students should acquire to meet the labour market’s needs and the necessary modifications to be made to the programmes, b) the training of academic and non academic staff on issues such as the management and tutoring of students’ practical training, c) the developm ...
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