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7 European Projects Found

Searched on 125080 European Projects



Start date: Jun 1, 2016, End date: May 31, 2018,

This Erasmus+ Mobility FPI project is coordinated by the EPLEFPA(Public Agricultural Vocational School )of Bordeaux Gironde. It is the 3rd application presented by a consortium established in 2011 with 5 other partner schools in the former Aquitaine region.: the EPLEFPA of Dordogne, Terres de Gascogne, Landes, Lot et Garonne and Pyrénées Atlantiques. This school also acts as sending institution....
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In order to ensure practice for vocational education institutions students’ key aspects are skills of people involved in practice, communication and collaboration quality, with vocational schools and practice providers (business). Qualitative practice = 3 the shared responsibility, the parties' successful cooperation 3 stages of practice organization ( should b...
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Union Farmers Union has implemented the ERASMUS KA1 + project "Vocational pedagogical skills in agriculture, horticulture and agro-environmental practices' managers”, which ' aim was to raise the professional teaching skills and competencies, as well as to acquire additional knowledge and skills in the agricultural sector practices in the organization, management, practice report evaluation, in co...
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The project " Welfare of Livestock : Modern trends in Vocational Education" (the project) will be transfer of foreign knowledge and practical experience to develop knowledge and skills of teachers / trainers Association of Private Farming in the Czech Republic. The implementation of internships for 24 teachers / trainers is achieved by extending their expertise in teaching Welfare of Livestock. Af...
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The overall aim of the project is to promote sustainable development of rural areas by improving the Quality of Vocational Educational Training systems and practices. In order to achieve this the specific aims of the project are defined: 1)To develop the Portofolio of Evidence, a new tool for assessment of student’s achievements(experience) gathered in the workplace, either as a contracted worker ...
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The overall aim of the project is to promote sustainable development of rural areas by improving the Quality of Vocational Educational Training systems and practices. In order to achieve this the specific aims of the project are defined: 1)To develop the Portofolio of Evidence, a new tool for assessment of student's achievements(experience) gathered in the workplace, either as a contracted worker ...
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The overall aim of the project: to promote sustainable development of rural areas by developing the quality and attractiveness of VET and life-long learning systems and practices. The main objective of the project: to transfer and elaborate Methodological Training Tools in Marketing (MTTM), to facilitate promotion and marketing of local and regional products by enhancing the participation of diffe...
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