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9 European Projects Found

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Techniciteit Actualiseren via Stages voor Trainers

Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2017,

This project focuses on the duties of instructors in enhancing the competencies of jobseekers, which is an integrated component of the package of services provided by the VDAB, i.e. the Flemish Service for Employment and Vocational Training. In addition, the project fulfils one of the strategic objectives of the VDAB management agreement, which is to develop a forward-looking provision for the rec...
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Start date: Aug 1, 2014, End date: Jul 31, 2016,

There will be an opportunity for 142 SEDU-students for on-the-job learning abroad and for 30 staff members an opportunity to develop their skills in working life oriented and learning outcome based education through Seduworks project in 2014 - 2016. The mobility periods will be carried out in the following partner countries: Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Estonia, France, Germany, Hungary, Italy, Lat...
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Maritime Heritage Skills: Preserve, Develop, Share (MHS)

Start date: Feb 28, 2014, End date: Nov 29, 2014,

The MHS Cluster aims to capitalise on the preservation of traditional maritime skills in the 2 Seas area and on training programme packages for young and disadvantaged people
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Heroes of the Two Sea & Heroes to See" (Heroes2C)

Start date: Dec 31, 2009, End date: Jun 29, 2013,

Heroes 2C is a project which blends the interests of maritime heritage and social inclusion, by using three ships at different stages of reconstruction to raise the interest and develop skills of the community in the maritime sector.The three partners involved in boat restoration are joined by a fourth partner specialised in employment and training aspects. The Medway Queen, the Jean Bart and the ...
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Maritime Training in Safety

Start date: Dec 31, 2004, End date: Jan 5, 2008,

The MARTINS project contribute to preventing maritime risks by improving a maritime safety knowledge base, improving maritime safety professional training and improving public participation in risk prevention Achievements: Creation of 10 training modules that didnt exis...
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E-tanulás az E-munkáért
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Compiling coherent competence-based curricula : The initiative has come up with a variety of materials including a vocational trainer job profile, a framework for a modular training course and comepetence units. Curricula will be produced to fit the framework and this competence-based will be incorporated into human reosurces management systems. This project started in 2003 and lasted 36 months.
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HISS – Help to Improve Soft Skills is a project that aims at transferring existing tools on screening soft skills, workplace learning methodologies and mentoring methodologies already developed to be used toward certain target-groups and a specific reality, into a wider range of target-groups (including students, people in labour market employed and unemployed, younger job seekers, employers), sec...
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The VDAB, the Flemish employment and vocational training Service, has a vocational orientation tool based on competencies and another one based on interests. An integration of both tests would be a sensible thing to do. The VDAB also considers that both tools can be refined, adding extra elements such as personal features, medical issues, and providing a link to training. The VDAB set up a consort...
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