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Isoprene is a very important climate-active biogenic volatile organic compound with both global warming and cooling effects. Globally, terrestrial plants emit huge amounts (~500-750 million tonnes) of isoprene per year. This is approximately the same quantity as methane released to the amosphere. Isoprene emissions are predicted to rise due to global warming and increased use of isoprene-emitting ...
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Atmospheric oxygen (O2) measurements have proven to be one of the most powerful tools to study the carbon cycle at global scale, quantifying the carbon dioxide (CO2) sink of terrestrial ecosystems and oceans. At ecosystem level, O2 is closely related to CO2 through photosynthesis and respiration, and is influenced by sources of nitrogen during plant uptake. O2 thus carries valuable information abo...
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It is ozone that primarily heats and therefore creates the stratosphere. Human emissions of ozone-depleting substances (ODSs) have however led to dramatic stratospheric ozone losses for decades. This global problem is ongoing and of renewed concern due to recent unexpected changes. It is also likely affecting the nature of the stratosphere itself, with implications for global health and economy. I...
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CRESCENDO brings together seven Earth System Modelling (ESM) groups with three Integrated Assessment Modelling teams, as well as experts in ESM evaluation, ESM projection and feedback analysis, climate impacts and science communication to address the following goals; (i) improve the process-realism and simulation-quality of European ESMs in order to increase the reliability of future Earth system ...
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Economics has traditionally assumed that individuals seek to satisfy coherent and asocial preferences, and has used the satisfaction of those preferences as a normative criterion. This ‘neoclassical’ approach has supported a view of the market as an institution in which privately-motivated individual actions tend to produce socially beneficial consequences. These ideas have been called into questi...
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Social Influence and Disruptive Low Carbon Innovations (SILCI)

Start date: Sep 1, 2016, End date: Aug 31, 2020,

A low carbon transition requires disruptive innovations to challenge prevailing technologies and practices. Many disruptive low carbon innovations have been adopted, but in small numbers. Examples include car sharing networks, car-free communities, and net zero energy buildings. To mitigate climate change, these and other innovations must diffuse or spread into the mass market. In the absence of s...
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Deictic Communication - A Multidisciplinary Training (DCOMM)

Start date: Feb 1, 2016, End date: Jan 31, 2020,

Deictic communication is fundamental to understanding communication in both typical and atypical populations, and forms the key connection between language and objects/locations in the world. It is therefore critical to understanding human-human interaction, and human-system interaction in a range of technology applications – from mobile phones to cognitive robotics – and to the enhancement of cli...
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The COP21 outcome represents an important new strategic context for EU climate policy. Analysing the implications of this new context requires an interdisciplinary approach, combining analysis of the evolution of the international climate regime as well as of NDCs and their socio-economic implications. Such analysis is also urgent, given the timelines imposed by the Paris Agreement for a “facilita...
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EUCalc replies to topic a) Managing technology transition. The EUCalc project will deliver a much needed comprehensive framework for research, business, and decision making which enables an appraisal of synergies and trade-offs of feasible decarbonisation pathways on the national scale of Europe and its member countries + Switzerland. The novel and pragmatic modelling approach is rooted between p...
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An important question for policy makers, in the G20 and beyond, is how to bring climate action into the broader sustainable development agenda. Objectives like energy poverty eradication, increased well-being and welfare, air quality improvement, energy security enhancement, and food and water availability will continue to remain important over the next several decades. There have been relatively ...
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The Eurozone crisis corroborated the warnings of economists that weak economic policy coordination and loose fiscal oversight would be insufficient to stabilise the monetary union. To prevent a recurrence of the crisis, economists, political actors and the “Blueprint” of the European Commission are asking for the construction of a deep and genuine economic and monetary union with reinforced govern...
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SET-Nav will support strategic decision making in Europe’s energy sector, enhancing innovation towards a clean, secure and efficient energy system. Our research will enable the EC, national governments and regulators to facilitate the development of optimal technology portfolios by market actors. We will comprehensively address critical uncertainties and derive appropriate policy and market respon...
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"Maximising energy efficiency and competitiveness while minimising waste and environmental impact of chemical processes, from large scale commodities to fine chemicals and pharmaceuticals, depends crucially on catalysis, and in particular on our ability to tailor catalysts to specific needs. Gold catalysts have seen a meteoric rise in recent years (nearly 40,000 WOS citations in 2011). However, si...
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SHAPE-ENERGY “Social Sciences and Humanities for Advancing Policy in European Energy” will develop Europe’s expertise in using and applying energy-SSH to accelerate the delivery of Europe’s Energy Union Strategy.Our consortium brings together 7 leading academic partners and 6 highly respected policy, industry and communications practitioners from across the Energy, Social Sciences and Humanities (...
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TILOS aims to demonstrate the optimal integration of local scale energy storage in a fully-operated, smart island microgrid that will also communicate with a main electricity grid. The main objective of the project will be the development and operation of a prototype battery storage system, based on NaNiCl2 batteries, provided with an optimum, real-environment smart grid control system and coping ...
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BISON will enhance the collaborative framework of the Central European Institute of Technology of Masaryk University (CEITEC MU), which was created during 2011-14 by utilising synergies of Structural Funds and the Framework Programme, with its three internationally-leading counterparts in the fields of structural biology by extending expertise related trans-disciplinary areas. The goal is to stimu...
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StratoClim will produce more reliable projections of climate change and stratospheric ozone by a better understanding and improved representation of key processes in the Upper Troposphere and Stratosphere (UTS). This will be achieved by an integrated approach bridging observations from dedicated field activities, process modelling on all scales, and global modelling with a suite of chemistry clima...
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This project aims to design and test a low-cost, highly sensitive and selective optical fibre sensor for testosterone, based on testosterone-recognising molecularly imprinted polymers (MIPs) combined with lossy mode resonance (LMR) structures.Optical fibre (OF) sensing has attracted great attention in the last years due to the benefits that it offers compared to traditional electronic sensors. Som...
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Sequence and structural requirements for Y RNA cleavage (YRNAcleave)

Start date: Aug 1, 2016, End date: Jul 31, 2018,

Small non-coding RNAs play important roles in gene expression regulation. Initially the attention was focused on the 21-24-nucleotide small RNAs such as microRNAs but later on deeper sequencing experiments using next generation sequencing revealed a slightly longer class of small RNAs that are 30-34 nucleotides long. These longer small RNAs are often generated from known non-coding RNAs such as t...
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Future treatments of cardiovascular conditions will benefit from our ability to harness progenitor cells or stem cells for therapeutic purpose. To achieve this promising goal the objective of this Marie-SkŁodowska-Curie Action is to dissect the molecular mechanisms that govern fundamental cellular differentiation processes in their normal physiological setting, the developing embryo. One such fund...
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The SAPHELY project focuses on the development and the preclinical validation of a nanophotonic-based handheld point-of-care (POC) analysis device for its application to the minimally-invasive early diagnosis of diseases, with a focus in cancer. Disease identification will be based in the fast (
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Increase in antibiotic resistance is a global concern worldwide. The project NAREB's main objective is the optimization of several nanoformulations of antibacterial therapeutics in order to improve the therapy of multi-drug resistant (MDR) tuberculosis (TB) and MRSA infections in European MDR patients.NAREB will address the problem of drug bioavailability inside the infected macrophages, transport...
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Nature produces a spectacularly diverse array of complex molecules that are exploited for many applications. Elucidating the biosynthetic pathways that are used to construct these complex molecules allows implementation of metabolic engineering or synthetic biology strategies that can dramatically improve production levels of these compounds. Moreover, identifying the biosynthetic genes facilitate...
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The AQUAVALENS consortium has brought together SMEs, Industries, Universities and Research Institutes with the mission of protecting the health of European Citizens from contaminated drinking water and water used in food processing. We will achieve this by developing sustainable technologies to enable water system managers whether in large or small water systems or within food growers or manufactu...
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Uncertainties in Ensembles of Regional Reanalyses (UERRA)

Start date: Nov 11, 2013, End date: Jan 1, 2018,

An ensemble system of regional reanalyses will be developed and run for the climatological time scale. Theinformation content of the datasets and their uncertainties will be assessed in several ways and statisticsanalysed.The project will provide long-term datasets of Essential Climate Variables (ECVs) on the European regionalscale in order to support adaptation action and policy development. The ...
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Transformative Social Innovation Theory project (TRANSIT)

Start date: Jan 1, 2014, End date: Dec 31, 2017,

The aim of TRANSIT (Transformative Social Innovation Theory) is to build a theory of social innovation that is useful not only to academics, but also to policy makers, social entrepreneurs, and other stakeholders. The starting point for TRANSIT is the need to understand transformative social innovations: social innovations that contribute to systemic changes that address urgent societal challenges...
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Operational Potential of Ecosystem Research Applications (OPERAs)

Start date: Dec 1, 2012, End date: Nov 30, 2017,

Human use and exploitation of the biosphere is increasing at such a pace and scale that the sustainability of major ecosystems is threatened, and may not be able to continue to function in ways that are vital to the existence of humanity. Re-framing environmental resource use has led to the emergence of the concepts of ecosystem services (ES) and natural capital (NC). This discourse indicates not ...
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High-End cLimate Impacts and eXtremes (HELIX)

Start date: Nov 1, 2013, End date: Oct 31, 2017,

"With the target of limiting global warming to 2ºC increasingly difficult to achieve, policymakers, businesses and other decision-makers need to plan to adapt to changes in climate under higher levels of global warming. This requires coherent information on the future climate conditions, and the consequences of different adaptation actions. International negotiations on limiting global warming a...
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Higher education student and staff mobility project

Start date: Jun 1, 2016, End date: Sep 30, 2017,

This is a higher education student and staff mobility project, please consult the website of the organisation to obtain additional details.
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The European population of older people with multiple chronic diseases (multimorbidity) is increasing steadily in tandem with the rising population of people aged ≥ 65 years. Older multimorbid people are at high risk of polypharmacy (PP), inappropriate prescribing (IP), adverse drug reactions (ADRs) and adverse drug events (ADEs). PP, IP, ADRs and ADEs in turn cause excessive drug costs and excess...
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Antimicrobial agents, such as antibiotics, have dramatically reduced the number of deaths from infectious diseases over the last 70 years. However, through overuse and misuse of these agents, many micro-organisms have developed antimicrobial resistance. Oligonucleotide therapeutics have the potential to become the new class of antibacterials capable of treating a broad range of infections. By acti...
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p-Type dye-sensitized photocathodes (p-DSSCs) are a new type of solar energy device. They promise to increase the efficiency of dye-sensitized solar cells (DSSCs) by enabling tandem cells that absorb light at both electrodes, in similar fashion to multi-junction semiconductor PV. However, no component of the p-DSSC is fully optimised, and the nickel oxide (NiO) substrates used as the p-type semi...
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This fellowship will grow the participant's skills and experience in social aspects of rehabilitation. The research project aims to analyse the role of the family in in-patient and out-patient rehabilitation for disabled people in the UK and compare it with evidence previously gathered in Turkey. More widely, the sociology of rehabilitation is underdeveloped in disability research. Rehabilitation...
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The ability to manipulate cellular pluripotency and differentiation holds the as yet unrealized promise of regenerative medicine to produce replacement cells and tissues. To this end a deep understanding of the regulation of differentiation potential in the context of normal embryonic development is crucial. The recent revolution in sequencing technology has enabled high throughput and genome-wide...
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Cancer is a process of clonal selection, and analytical methods from evolutionary biology should be able to explain why cancer tissues are heterogeneous and develop resistance to current therapies. Evolutionary game theory helps understand non-intuitive properties of the frequency-dependent dynamics arising in the cooperative interactions between cancer cells. In particular, the theory of N-person...
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This project pioneers the use of Heterogeneous Organometallic Mediated Electrocatalytic Reactions (HOMER) and our understanding thereof. Examples of electron transfer activation of C-H, C-Halide bonds and cycloaddition reactions of unactivated olefins are sought that are catalysed by appropriate combinations of electrochemically generated odd-electron (17-electron) organometallic “radical” complex...
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After birth we are colonized by a consortium of bacteria that are critical for health. Bifidobacteria represent pioneer members, and reach high levels within the gut microbiota of breast-fed infants. These bacteria are proposed to be critical for establishing ‘healthy’ microbiota development and immune defense; however the mechanisms remain unknown. We hypothesize that breast-milk metabolism by Bi...
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MicroRNAs (miRNAs) are small non-coding RNA molecules regulating the expression of protein coding genes by targeting mRNAs. Since they play key roles in development and in responses to both biotic and abiotic stresses, it is important that miRNAs are expressed at the right time and place. Therefore there must be a mechanism to degrade miRNAs (miRNA turnover) and that mechanism itself must be caref...
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The development of gold nanostructures is a topic of high interest due to their extensive use in biomedical applications, biosensing and bioimaging because of their specific properties: high stability, ease of detection, facile synthesis and functionalization, etc. It would be of potential interest to predict the photobehaviour of AuNPs before introducing them in a biological environment. In this ...
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Finding the iron sensing protein in crop plants (FeSensor)

Start date: May 1, 2015, End date: Apr 30, 2017,

Iron (Fe) is needed for all living organisms but in high concentrations within the cell it is toxic, therefore balancing the physiological level of iron is essential. Although the Fe sensing mechanism has been described for a wide variety of living forms, from bacteria to mammals, no clear information about how plants sense Fe is available. Whether or not Fe is sensed in roots or in shoots or in b...
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