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The digital landscape is currently undergoing an evolution towards the Internet of Things. The IoT comes with a dramatically increased threat potential, as attacks can endanger human life and can lead to a massive loss of privacy of (European) citizens. A particular dangerous class of attacks manipulates the cryptographic algorithms in the underlying hardware. Backdoors in the cryptography of IoT ...
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Lewis bases are a fundamental class of compounds that are of utmost importance in almost any chemical transformation. According to the HSAB concept, they determine important properties such as the stability or solubility of compounds or the selectivity of reactions. Yet, Lewis bases are used far beyond simple acid-base pairs. In coordination chemistry they act as efficient σ-donor ligands, which c...
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It is thought that the Japanese language was brought to Japan in a series of west-to-east migrations from the Korean peninsula in prehistoric times. Through fieldwork on the tone systems of a cluster of outlying and not sufficiently documented dialects in Japan (the so-called Gairin or ‘outer circle’ dialects), a genealogy of the members of this dialect group will be reconstructed. A central quest...
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It is often taken for granted that the Greek-Arabic translation movement (8th-10th c.) that made the whole bulk of Classical Greek scientific and philosophical literature available in Arabic (and that was later handed over to Europe in Latin translations) owes much to the preceding period in the history of transmission of this scientific and philosophical literature, namely translations into the S...
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Spinal cord injury is a severe and devastating neurological disorder that leaves patients with permanent paralysis of the body. No treatment is available today to regenerate interrupted nerve fibers and repair the damaged spinal cord. The incidence of spinal cord injury is about newly injured 10’000 people per year in the EU, and due to an almost normal life expectancy more than 200’000 patients a...
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This project analyzes Jews in Eastern Christian communities and Eastern Christian sources, beyond the Byzantine context, namely, relations between Jews and Christian communities in the Middle East Central Asia, the Caucasus, Ethiopia, and South India. In order to obtain a truly accurate understanding of the dynamics of Jewish-Christian relations in the non-Latin world during the Middle Ages, thes...
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Community-Based Policing and Post-Conflict Police Reform (ICT4COP)

Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2020,

The challenges of international police reform assistance are formidable. Conventional top-down institutional reform has proven neither effective nor sustainable. Community-based policing (COP) holds promise, however evaluations have pointed to a lack of in-depth understanding of police-community relations in police reform assistance. This project will conduct integrated social and technical resear...
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Fueled by a string of high profile attacks and recent revelations about unprecedented cyber surveillance, interest in systems security is rising-not just among industry and governments, but even among individual citizens across Europe. Corporate organizations worry about the viability of their businesses, nation states about cyber attacks by other nation states or terrorist groups, and citizens ab...
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Hydrogen-bonds have found widespread use in various fields of chemistry, including supramolecular chemistry, organic chemistry, and more lately organocatalysis. Although a multitude of structurally different hydrogen-bond donors has been developed, their mode of action is in all cases necessarily based on the same interacting atom, hydrogen. In this proposal, we aim to develop first applications f...
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Leveraging Binary Analysis to Secure the Internet of Things (BASTION)

Start date: Mar 1, 2015, End date: Feb 29, 2020,

We are in the midst of the shift towards the Internet of Things (IoT), where more and more (legacy) devices are connected to the Internet and communicate with each other. This paradigm shift brings new security challenges and unfortunately many current security solutions are not applicable anymore, e.g., because of a lack of clear network boundaries or resource-constrained devices. However, secur...
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Preparedness and Resilience to address Urban Vulnerability (PRUV)

Start date: Jan 1, 2016, End date: Dec 31, 2019,

The challenge posed by urban vulnerability is immense and is being compounded by rapid unplanned urbanisation, climate change and resource pressures. While the realisation that there is a fundamental shift in the landscape of crises to cities is no longer contested, aid actors are nonetheless grappling with the complexities of adapting their approaches to the urban context. The Preparedness and ...
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QUantitative paleoEnvironments from SpeleoThems (QUEST)

Start date: Jan 1, 2016, End date: Dec 31, 2019,

Speleothems (cave deposits, e.g. stalagmites) represent unique terrestrial archives that allow for accurately dated, high-resolution (often annual), continuous and long (many millennia) climate reconstructions. Such records are vital for understanding how climate varies and how our environments respond on seasonal to millennial timescales. However, current speleothem studies can only make qualitat...
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Pathogen and Graphene (PANG)

Start date: Jan 1, 2016, End date: Dec 31, 2019,

Complications related to infectious diseases have significantly reduced, particularly in the developed countries, due to the availability and use of broad-range antibiotics and wide variety of antimicrobial agents. Excessive use of antibiotics and antimicrobial agents increased significantly the number of multi-drug resistant (MDR) bacteria. This has resulted in a serious threat to public health. ...
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Neurodegenerative diseases, such as Parkinson’s disease, are a major public health issue given the aging population in Europe and beyond. While curative pharmacological treatment of these diseases is not in sight, cell replacement therapies (CTs) are considered very promising, in particular with the advent of stem-cell reprogramming technologies. However, a fundamental challenge in the medical app...
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Cardiovascular disease (CVD), more specifically, vulnerable plaque rupture, remains the major cause of death for people at middle age. The CVENT consortium will revolutionize screening, diagnosis and monitoring of CVD by means of a compact photoacoustic imaging (PAI) system for vulnerable plaque imaging.In the carotid arteries feeding the brain, vulnerable plaque rupture initiates cerebrovascular ...
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Efficient Resource Constrained Cryptography (ERCC)

Start date: Nov 1, 2014, End date: Oct 31, 2019,

"Traditionally, cryptographic protocols were run on servers or personal computers which have large and easily scalable computational resources. For these applications there exist a large variety of well-established cryptographic systems. Right now, we are in the midst of the shift toward ubiquitous computing on resource constrained devices (RCDs): small devices with severe constraints in terms of ...
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There is a compelling need of encouraging energy efficiency in buildings, enhance green technologies and promote advance thermal energy storage solutions. TESSe2b will enable the optimal use of renewable energy and provide one of the most advantageous solutions for correcting the mismatch that often occurs between the supply and demand of energy in residential buildings. The target of TESSe2b is t...
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The International Political Economy of EU-Asia Affairs

Start date: Sep 1, 2016, End date: Aug 31, 2019,

The project „The International Political Economy of EU-Asia Relations“ (IPEEAR) aims at promoting excellence in teaching and research in EU studies. It provides an innovative approach to EU studies by focusing on the relationship of the external dimension of European integration and the external dimension of regional cooperation and integration in East Asia and beyond. The project aims at enabling...
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Economic data analysis is a very important part in a decision making process. Nowadays, the importance of the geospatial component inherent with the most economic data is rapidly increasing. Therefore added value of bringing geospatial aspects in economic data analyses is highly appreciated. The project aims to share best practice across disciplinary and national boundaries. The project will ecnou...
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NUCLEUS develops, supports and implements inclusive and sustainable approaches to Responsible Research and Innovation within the governance and culture of research organisations in Europe. A major goal of the transdisciplinary project will be to stimulate research and innovation which continuously reflects and responds to societal needs.In order to achieve a multifaceted and cross-cultural New Und...
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Future Trust Services for Trustworthy Global Transactions (FutureTrust)

Start date: Jun 1, 2016, End date: May 31, 2019,

Against the background of the regulation 2014/910/EU on electronic identification (eID) and trusted services for electronic transactions in the internal market (eIDAS), the FutureTrust project aims at supporting the practical implementation of the regulation in Europe and beyond. For this purpose the FutureTrust project will address the need for globally interoperable solutions through 1) basic re...
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The main purpose of this project is to deliver new empirical yet also theoretically informed knowledge of those memory agents, practices and contexts capable of countering fixed and essentialist war and conflict memories, opening them to reflexive reinterpretation and change. Theoretically, the project will develop the concept of an agonistic ethico-political mode of remembering as distinct from t...
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The goal of this ETN is to develop advanced cryptographic techniques for the Internet of Things and the Cloud and to create implementations that offer a high level of security and increased usability, for a wide range of physical computation platforms. The ITN will equip a group of 15 early stage researchers with a set of interdisciplinary skills combining mathematics, computer science and electri...
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Towards Ubiquitous Low-power Image Processing Platforms (TULIPP)

Start date: Feb 1, 2016, End date: Jan 31, 2019,

Tulipp will develop a reference platform that defines implementation rules and interfaces to tackle power consumption issues while delivering high, efficient and guaranteed computing performance for image processing applications. Using this reference platform will enable designers to develop an elementary board at a reduced cost to meet typical embedded systems requirements: Size, Weight and Power...
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DEFect NETwork materials science and engineering (DEFNET)

Start date: Jan 1, 2015, End date: Dec 31, 2018,

Porous coordination network materials, also known as Metal-organic Frameworks (MOFs), are at the cutting edge of molecular materials science. DEFNET, “DEFect NETwork materials science and engineering”, is the first European Training Network (ETN) at the intersection of chemistry, physics and engineering aimed at structural and functional complexity of MOFs. It provides a unique interdisciplinary t...
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In BIOCASCADES, nine early-stage researchers (ESRs) will investigate the development of sustainable (chemo)enzymatic cascade reactions under the ‘green chemistry’ philosophy. The proposed BIOCASCADES project combines different techniques such as compartmentalization, protein engineering and reaction engineering in order to develop commercially viable and environmentally benign one pot reactions. B...
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Efficient harvesting of the wind energy (AEOLUS4FUTURE)

Start date: Jan 1, 2015, End date: Dec 31, 2018,

As wind energy is considered one of the most promising renewable energy resources, energy production technologies relying on wind energy are currently flourishing under the EU ambitious plan for 2020. Market demands to prepare a generation of researchers within the EU that are able to face the challenge of fulfilling the EU ambitious plan, to sustain the production of wind energy and to innovate a...
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The share of renewable energy is growing rapidly driven by the objective to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. The amount of electric power which can be supplied to the grid depends on the time of the day and weather conditions. A conventional fleet of thermal power plants is required to compensate for these fluctuations before large scale energy storage technologies will be mature and economically ...
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Secure Architectures of Future Emerging Cryptography (SAFEcrypto)

Start date: Jan 1, 2015, End date: Dec 31, 2018,

SAFEcrypto will provide a new generation of practical, robust and physically secure post quantum cryptographic solutions that ensure long-term security for future ICT systems, services and applications. Novel public-key cryptographic schemes (digital signatures, authentication, public-key encryption, identity-based encryption) will be developed using lattice problems as the source of computational...
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The aim of the project is to develop acoustics course for engineers with elements of gamification that enable specialist from rail, machinery and automotive industry to build improvement in the fields of vibroacoustics, through essential knowledge base and vocational competence across partner countries. These courses will provide a source of expertise on acoustic issues in terms of specific needs...
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Enhancing Postgraduate Environments

Start date: Oct 15, 2015, End date: Oct 14, 2018,

The Higher Education sector in South Africa is going through a fundamental transformation process, addressing several challenges such as inequality of representation amongst existing staff, high student : staff ratios, low throughput rates, limited qualifications of existing staff and an inadequate postgraduate pipeline. Therefore, the government aims to identify and nurture academic talent, supp...
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Job Developer: From Job Creation to Competence Development

Start date: Sep 1, 2015, End date: Aug 31, 2018,

The objectives of the project „job developer: from job creation to competence development“ is to set impulses in the reduction of the high unemployment in Europe by adapting vocational educational training and career counselling in the EU to the labour markets‘ conditions and requirements in the respective countries. These activities of adaptation are achieved by the education/training of so-calle...
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To handle the stringent performance requirements of future exascale High Performance Computing (HPC) applications, HPC systems need ultra-efficient heterogeneous compute nodes. To reduce power and increase performance, such compute nodes will require reconfiguration as an intrinsic feature, so that specific HPC application features can be optimally accelerated at all times, even if they regularly ...
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Higher education student and staff mobility project

Start date: Jun 1, 2016, End date: May 31, 2018,

This is a higher education student and staff mobility project, please consult the website of the organisation to obtain additional details.
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Heat management is a paramount challenge in many cutting edge technologies, including new GaN electronic technology, turbine thermal coatings, resistive memories, or thermoelectrics. Further progress requires the help of accurate modeling tools that can predict the performance of new complex materials integrated in these increasingly demanding novel devices. However, there is currently no general ...
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Demographic and epidemiologic transitions have brought a new health care paradigm with the presence of both, growing elderly population and chronic diseases. Life expectancy is increasing as well as the need for long-term care. Institutional care for the aged population faces economical struggles with low staffing ratios and consequent quality problems. Although the aforementioned implications of...
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Post-quantum cryptography for long-term security (PQCRYPTO)

Start date: Mar 1, 2015, End date: Feb 28, 2018,

Online banking, e-commerce, telemedicine, mobile communication, and cloud computing depend fundamentally on the security of the underlying cryptographic algorithms. Public-key algorithms are particularly crucial since they provide digital signatures and establish secure communication without requiring in-person meetings.Essentially all applications today are based on RSA or on the discrete-logarit...
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European Coordination and Support Action in Cryptology (ECRYPT-CSA)

Start date: Mar 1, 2015, End date: Feb 28, 2018,

This CSA intends to strengthen European excellence in the area of cryptology and to achieve a durable integration and structuring of the European cryptography community, involving academia, industry, government stakeholders and defence agencies. The project will coordinate ongoing research, develop a joint research agenda and foresight study, identify technology gaps and market and innovation oppo...
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EmployID aims to support and facilitate the learning process of Public Employment Services (PES) practitioners in their professional identity transformation process. To perform successfully in their job they need to acquire a set of new and transversal skills, develop additional competencies, as well as embed a professional culture of continuous improvement. EmployID will offer efficient use of te...
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"The objective of this project is to build upon, solidify, formalise and condense the recently initiated, but as yet informal, relationships between leading research institutions representing different regions and historical traditions in order to conduct joint research and participate in knowledge exchange to identify new paradigms for understanding how national identities are disrupted and forme...
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