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Job Developer: From Job Creation to Competence Development
Start date: Sep 1, 2015, End date: Aug 31, 2018 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The objectives of the project „job developer: from job creation to competence development“ is to set impulses in the reduction of the high unemployment in Europe by adapting vocational educational training and career counselling in the EU to the labour markets‘ conditions and requirements in the respective countries. These activities of adaptation are achieved by the education/training of so-called „job developers“, who identify the qualification requirements in cooperation with youths and young adults to create new employment opportunities, and work out a plan for individual professional development. This is to be achieved with the means of the application of the instruments „employment radar“ and „talent diagnosis“ – resp. the country-specific adaptation of these instruments – developed by SHS/minipreneurs GBM. Young adults are encouraged and enabled by the support and under the tutelage of a skilled/trained „job developer“ to detect employment opportunities, to create jobs on their own as well as to deduce the respective dimensions of requirements by analyzing the local employment opportunities on the one hand, and their interest, knowledge, and skills on the other hand. By comparing the qualification requirements with the present talents as well as the local training opportunities, on the one hand further trainings may be advised and on the other hand gaps in the existing training programmes may be identified. Thus the project renders it possible to adapt training activities with (local) labour-market trends in an early stage and specific way and to achieve a lasting change effect. This may be effected i. a. by the adaption of curricula in the vocational training and development as well as by career counselling. At the same time, the participants gain first practical learning experience in the field of self-employment especially by the trend and market analysis in the context of the employment radar and by a subsequent expert hearing. The project’s core is to qualify the staff in the acquired partner organizations in Hungary, Spain, Greece, Bulgaria and Lithuania as multipliers and thus to enable them to provide necessary structures for the concept’s adaptation and implementation. With their expertise and as coordinators of the local activities, the partners essentially contribute to the project’s success. In Hungary and Bulgaria, the chamber of commerce, and in Lithuania the Chamber of foreign Trade were won as project partners. In Greece, a research firm as well as a business consultancy and in Spain the European Business Centre for Innovation and Entrepreneurship were attracted as partners. Besides, in addition to the Institute for Work Science (IAW) at the Ruhr University of Bochum, the SHS/minipreneurs GBM also participates as a German para-partner. They developed the concept of the employment radar and the talent diagnosis and will supervise the initiated qualification, adaptation and implementation of the concept by the European partners as experts. In the first step, one to two persons per partner country will be trained in the context of the kick-off-meeting and a five-day multiplier training in the fields of the concept’s transfer and adaptation. On the basis of all project activities, the consortium additionally will work out a series of intellectual outputs that shall be applied beyond the project and will be accessible to third parties and thus contribute to the project’s effectiveness and sustainability. This comprises on the one hand the translated documents concerning the application of the concept and the respective publicity materials, and on the other hand the further development of the employment radar and its potential and resistance analysis that yield to country-specific conditions. In addition, five modules will be developed and evaluated, whose completion ensues a qualification as a „job developer“. This qualification as a „job developer“ shall be established as a recognised certification programme in the each EU country. The modules‘ contents shall comprise basic social skills, i.e. competences which are necessary for leadership and the encouragement of encounter groups, the creation of an employment radar including the implementation of a talent diagnosis, digital competences field of social media for entrepreneurs, entrepreneurial creativity , and cultural mindfulness and Cooperation, especially networking for entrepreneurs. In all, by the training of multipliers, by the qualification as a „job developer“, who does not actually exist in this form up to now, and by the local implementation as well as the development of intellectual outputs, the project will contribute to means of creating new jobs involving the promotion of educational training and career counselling matching with the current trends on the labour markets.
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8 Partners Participants