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3 European Projects Found

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Start date: Jul 1, 2014, End date: Jun 30, 2016,

Project 1. One of MH´s French teachers plans to take a French course AGIR POUR MOTIVER in Montpellier, August 4.-15. 2014. See attached course schedule, document no. 2. Teachers from many European countries attend and will discuss and compare different teaching methods and curriculum in each country. Because of the new curriculum in upper secondary schools in Iceland it is important to reorganize...
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Learn and share

Start date: Jun 1, 2014, End date: May 31, 2016,

Tveir kennarar og skólastjóri Byggingatækniskólans fóru til Learnmark í Horsens í febrúar 2015 til að funda með kennurum og deildarstjórum og undirbúa komu nemendahóps frá Byggingatækniskólanum. Þau fengu ítarlega kynningu á námskrá skólans, kennsluaðferðum og starfsþjálfunaraðferðum. Kennari í gull- og silfursmíði fór til EUC Lillebælt í maí 2015 til þess að taka þátt í hópvinnu og umræðum með k...
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Utbytesresor Komvux Malmö Pauli och Chichester College, England

Start date: Oct 13, 2014, End date: Oct 12, 2015,

Background Komvux Malmö Pauli is a large department for adult education preparing the students for academic studies. A wide range of courses are offered. In the near future, adult education will have to be reorganised as courses have to be offered throughout the year and to do this successfully Komvux Malmö Pauli needs new international input on how this can be managed. Pauliskolan (youth educatio...
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