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Nanomedicine for Drug Delivery

Start date: Oct 1, 2016, End date: Oct 30, 2021,

NANOMEDNanomedicine for Drug DeliveryCourses Description: This 24 months, 120 ECTS Master’s Course in English offers a high quality and multidisciplinary education in the emerging field of NANOMEDICINE. The consortium is composed of four Universities: Paris-Descartes (Fr, coordinator), Patras (Gr), Pavia (It) and Angers (Fr).Nanomedicine is a revolutionary interdisciplinary science, combining know...
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Formulations and Computational Engineering (FORCE)

Start date: Jan 1, 2017, End date: Dec 31, 2020,

The FORCE consortium is a 10 pan-European expert partnership with the objective to develop a integrated Business Decision Support System (BDSS) based on open standards for industries engaged in formulating chemical ingredients. The generic BDSS is an open framework that connects any existing or future materials models at various levels of complexity and discretion (electronic, atomistic, mesoscop...
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Two-dimensional materials (2DMs) such as graphene, hexagonal boron nitride, silicene and others, are currently amongst the most intensively studied classes of materials that hold great promise for future applications in many technological areas. However, the main hurdle against practical utilization of 2DMs is the lack of effective mass production techniques to satisfy the growing qualitative and ...
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Pharmacogenomics is the study of genetic variability affecting an individual’s response to a drug. Its use allows personalized medicine and reduction in ‘trial and error’ prescribing leading to more efficacious, safer and cost-effective drug therapy. The U-PGx consortium will investigate a pre-emptive genotyping approach (that is: multiple pharmacogenomic variants are collected prospectively and ...
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SECRET is a collaborative European Training Network (ETN) committed to create an “excellent” educational training platform; that is multi-disciplinary and intersectoral in nature, for Early Stage Researchers (ESRs) in the field of wireless communications and networking. In this dynamic field, the challenges are always evolving and more stringent in line with market expectation, and socio-economica...
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A revelation in today´s mobile is networks is SON (Self-Organizing technology) technology, which is seen as a playing pivotal role towards reducing the management costs of networks. In legacy networks, still many network elements and associated parameters are manually configured. The associated operations costs are significant. Specialized expertise must be maintained to tune these network paramet...
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The productivity of the serial production model is compromised by the need to perform changes in the production equipment that cannot support multiple operations in dynamic environments. Low cost labour is no longer an option for EU manufacturers due to the fast rise of wages and the increasing costs of energy and logistics. Manual tasks cannot be fully automated with a good ratio of cost vs robus...
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The European aerospace, automotive, and rail industries are committed to improving their energy efficiency to meet targets set within the EU’s climate, energy and transport policies. This is motivating the increased use of lightweight composite materials in lieu of heavier metallics. To implement this transition, these industries must reach, at least, the same level of crash performance achieved w...
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Breast and ovarian cancer constitute serious health challenges in the EU. To identify new improved cancer therapeutic approaches, we will pursue a multi-facetted synthetic lethal approach, which takes advantage of the inherent genetic instability of cancer cells. Most mutations acquired by cancer cells do not cause lethality, but the very same mutations may cause cell death when a second gene in a...
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The tremendous impact of natural hazards, such as earthquakes, tsunamis, flooding, etc, which triggered technological accidents, referred to as natural-technological (NaTech) events, was demonstrated by: i) the recent Tohoku earthquake and the following Fukushima disaster in 2011; ii) the UK’s 2015 winter floods which topped £5bn, with thousands of families and businesses that faced financial prob...
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Surfactants and emulsifiers constitute an important class of chemical agents that are widely used in almost every sector of modern industry. The huge market demand is currently met almost exclusively by synthetic, mainly petroleum-based, chemical products, which are usually non-biodegradable and mostly toxic or GM plant based products (used in foods), which are undesirable by some end-users. Their...
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Future manufacturing will be characterized by the complementarity between humans and automation, especially regarding the production of highly customizable products. This requires new methods and tools for the design and operation of optimized manufacturing workplaces in terms of ergonomics, safety, efficiency, complexity management and work satisfaction. MANUWORK aims to focus on the development...
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Simulation in Real Time for Manufacturing with Zero Defects (STREAM-0D)

Start date: Oct 1, 2016, End date: Mar 31, 2020,

Facts: i) Zero-defect manufacturing and flexibility of production processes are some of the main challenges for European manufacturing; ii) One of the engineering tools with higher potential is the linking of simulation tools with measurement devices for real-time control of applications. The huge potential of this synergistic loop remains untapped for manufacturing processes and could be used f...
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ADAS&ME (“Adaptive ADAS to support incapacitated drivers &Mitigate Effectively risks through tailor made HMI under automation”) will develop adapted Advanced Driver Assistance Systems, that incorporate driver/rider state, situational/environmental context, and adaptive interaction to automatically transfer control between vehicle and driver/rider and thus ensure safer and more efficient road usage...
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From aeronautics to oil&gas, complex metal parts embrace major challenges across their lifecycles from the green field intensive manufacturing to the numerous maintenance and repairing operations worldwide distributed. The synergic combination of additive and subtractive processes could overcome individual shortcomings, going beyond the simple succession of steps. 'Plug and produce' modular approa...
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EXCHANGE-Risk is an Intersectoral/International Research and Innovation staff exchange scheme between academia and the industry in Europe and North America focusing on mitigating Seismic Risk of buried steel pipeline Networks that are subjected to ground-imposed permanent deformations. It also aims at developing a Decision Support System for the Rapid Pipeline Recovery to minimize the time require...
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Novel Processes and Equipment in Composite Repair Technology (NEWCORT)

Start date: Jan 1, 2016, End date: Dec 31, 2019,

NEWCORT will develop and validate novel processes and equipment for the repair of composite airframes. Three key stages in the bonded composite repair procedure were identified, namely material removal & surface preparation, heating for polymerization of patch and positive pressure application for improved compaction of patch layers. In all three stages novel processes will be developed, either th...
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Key industrial sectors e.g. automotive, are rapidly transformed by digital and communication technologies leading to the fourth industrial revolution. New ones are in the making, e.g. Smart Cities, which inspire a new breed of applications and services. The salient characteristic of these sectors, known as verticals, is that they are rapidly becoming open ecosystems built on top of common physical...
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The main objective of ERROR is to develop a new software tool, which will offer to the clinician the possibility to assess alternative imaging and therapeutic protocols, in real time, in silico, in order to minimize patient dose, while maintaining image quality of therapeutic effect. This tool will be designed, implemented and evaluated with specific focus on pediatric patients, since this is a ra...
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The recent trends of mass customization of products and lean approaches impacts production by a drastic reduction of production lot sizes. However, traditional automation and robotics fail to be competitive in such a context since all individual product variant would require a complete automation project. In addition, keeping up with the introduction of robots outside of the traditional sectors re...
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The main objective of this project is to move forward the current waste management practices into a circular economy motto, demonstrating the value of integrating and validating a set of 20 eco-innovative solutions that cover all the waste value chain. The benefits of these solutions will be enhanced by a holistic waste data management methodology, and will be demonstrated in 4 complementary urban...
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The last half century has seen a tremendous advancement in adhesives technology and has led to widespread replacement of mechanical fasteners with adhesive bonds (e.g. aircraft, automobile, construction, etc.). Bonding to wet, rough and fouled surfaces, however, remains challenging and adhesive technology is rarely applied for bonding in wet conditions, such as in (orthopaedic) medicine. Therefore...
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HUman MANufacturing (HUMAN)

Start date: Oct 1, 2016, End date: Sep 30, 2019,

EU manufacturers are increasingly adopting automation solutions that can improve productivity and reduce costs.Enterprises’ ability to utilize these technologies may be their single most important competitive advantage, and the specific skills, experiences, competences,and flexibility of workers are pivotal to and at the core of this ability.To create a healthy workplace and increase the competiti...
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"Advanced Manufacturing has been highlighted by the EU as one of the key enablers to support and promotion of business research and innovation in key enabling technologies. Therefore, a number of objectives, aligned with pursuing the large scale targets, have been set for advanced manufacturing through four pillars: technology, economic, social and environment. Thus, HINDCON project aims to adapt ...
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One area with greater relevance to use ICT is educational context, because with them, it will compensate the adequacy to the needs and characteristics of the students. Now, one of the problems facing the future teachers for their incorporation into educational practice is to have acceptable levels of training, both in regards to its technological and instrumental knowledge as with respect to its m...
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Structural biology provides insight into the molecular architecture of cells up to atomic resolution, revealing the biological mechanisms that are fundamental to life. It is thus key to many innovations in chemistry, biotechnology and medicine such as engineered enzymes, new potent drugs, innovative vaccines and novel biomaterials.iNEXT (infrastructure for NMR, EM and X-rays for Translational rese...
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ICARUS proposes a new thermodynamic methodology able to identify the elements and the relative chemical composition allowing a nanocrystalline state to occupy a relative minimum of the Gibbs free energy, which makes the nanostructure reasonably stable against coarsening. This approach will be integrated, in synergy with multiscale and thermodynamic (Nano-Calphad) modeling, in order to implement a ...
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Technologies for Active Vibration and Acoustic Comfort (TAVAC)

Start date: Sep 1, 2016, End date: Aug 31, 2019,

In aircraft cabin environments, vibrations and noise co-exist affecting the passenger comfort, quality of flight, but also aircraft efficiency. To progress on airframe and engine efficiency while supporting the high level of customer comfort requested, the faced challenges are to develop and integrate into the airframe and cabin new technologies of active noise and vibration reduction, without pen...
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The European industry is currently a world leader in aviation and to maintain its leading position and competitiveness in the dynamic global market, Europe’s industry must develop quickly and efficiently high quality products by meeting time-critical market demands and customers’ needs. Industrial competition is becoming fiercer not only from established regions, such as the USA, but from new eme...
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Industrial scenarios for connected factories (ConnectedFactories)

Start date: Sep 1, 2016, End date: Aug 31, 2019,

There is a consensus among industry and policymakers that Europe is currently in the middle of an industrial revolution initiated by the digitisation of industrial processes. Cyber Physical Systems (CPS), the Industrial Internet and the Internet of Things (IoT) connect people, devices, machines and enterprises like never before. For many years companies and research organisations have been address...
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Cancer is a leading cause of mortality within the aging European population. Therapeutic targeting is hampered by the complexity of the disease, which includes not only molecular changes within the tumor cell itself, but also within its microenvironment. Tumor angiogenesis, tumor-stroma interactions, interactions with immune cells, with the extracellular matrix and cancer stem cell niches allow fo...
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ComMUnion enables productive and cost effective manufacturing of 3D metal/ Carbon Fibre Reinforced Thermoplastic (CFRT) multi-material components.ComMUnion will develop a novel solution combining tape placement of CFRTs with controlled laser-assisted heating in a multi-stage robot solution. High-speed laser texturing and cleaning will overcome the limitations of current joining technology to provi...
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The main objective of the project is the development of the pilot scale production system of the new generation of nanoporous organic and hybrid aerogels with multiple functions for application in gas and humidity adsorption, personal care and food. Thereby the fast manufacturing in form of spherical particles will be in focus in order to reduce the process time and to decrease the overall process...
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In recent years, the majority of the world's Critical Infrastructures CIs evolved to become more flexible, cost efficient and able to offer better services and conditions for business opportunities. Towards this evolution, CIs and companies offering CI services had to adopt many of the recent advances of the Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) field. This adaptation however, was rathe...
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The European robotics industry is moving towards a new generation of robots, based on safety in the workplace and the ability to work alongside humans. This new generation is paramount to making the factories of the future more cost-effective and restoring the competitiveness of the European manufacturing industry. However, the European manufacturing industry is facing the following challenges: (1...
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Composites are important materials used in aircrafts due to their excellent mechanical properties combined with relatively low weight enabling the reduction of fuel consumption. Expensive carbon fibre reinforced plastics (CFRP) are used in fuselage and wing structures and increasingly replace classic metals. Glass fibre reinforced plastics (GFRP) are mainly used for the interior panels. All these ...
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Masters in Earthquake Engineering and Engineering Seismology

Start date: Sep 1, 2015, End date: Feb 28, 2019,

Objective The main goal of this Master course is to provide a multidisciplinary training in earthquake engineering and engineering seismology which also includes newly emerging fields in seismic risk mitigation and management.Course duration One and a half years (90 ECTS)Brief DescriptionThe cross-cutting nature of the programme allows students to develop skills which will allow them to communicat...
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There is an innovative need for more efficient and reliable damage inspection, reducing time and cost of aircraft infrastructures, as well as maintenance-especially C and D Checks- without compromising the safety of passengers and goods transported. The CompInnova project is focused upon the development of an innovative inspection methodology, with automated and manual capabilities, for any type o...
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Europe’s bioeconomy is expected to foster economic growth and to tackle significant societal challenges with less harmful environmental effects through innovative, sustainable and inclusive use of European forest resources. Increasing demand for biomass and other ecosystem goods and services calls for changes in forest-related policies at different levels and across different sectors. Accordingly,...
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Driving style is seen not only to become a significant cause of greenhouse gas (GHG) and other air pollutant emissions but also a critical parameter regarding road safety, with huge social & financial adverse effects. GamECAR aims to develop a highly innovative and interactive Serious Games platform that will empower and guide users to adopt an eco-friendly driving style. This will be achieved, wi...
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