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7 European Projects Found

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Capacities of youth workers on the field of youth employment services

Start date: May 1, 2016, End date: Apr 30, 2018,

The project aims at transferring the Australian expertise on youth employment services provision to Slovakia and Czech and to strengthen the capacities of youth organisations in these countries on the field of youth employment services provision, especially for NEET young people and those young people who are disadvantaged in the open labour market.Project activities are proposed in a manner which...
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The social economy and the social business, established by the municipalities, are becoming more and more popular tool for the local and regional development and support of people with low qualification. Based on the experience, both from Slovakia and from abroad, the municipality social business is often the only tool for the local development support, in the environment of small municipalities. ...
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Simulátor pracovných pohovorov

Start date: Sep 1, 2014, End date: Aug 31, 2016,

Slovak Republic is listed among EU member states with the highest youth unemployment (aged 15-24). By the end of 2013, the youth unemployment rate reached 33,5%. Experts agree that one of the reasons behind such a dramatic figure is the low quality of the education and training system in the country, its detachment from the labour market and therefore a low ability to reflect the actual needs of t...
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Rómska mládežnícka participácia na miestnej úrovni

Start date: Mar 1, 2016, End date: May 31, 2016,

The project "Roma Youth Participation on the Local Level" follows previous activities of program LERI (Local Exchange for Roma Inclusion) in which partner´s organisations are involved. The aim of the program LERI, which was initiated by Agency of EU for Fundamental Human Rights (FRA) in Vienna, is to secure conditions for better participation of Roma on local level and finally to improve their liv...
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Youth for youth

Start date: Feb 1, 2016, End date: Apr 30, 2016,

Mládežnícka výmena študentov Filozofickej fakulty Univerzity Komenského je iniciatívou študentov, ktorá vznikla ako reakcia na nedostatok podpory pre mladých ľudí v oblasti prechodu od formálneho vzdelávania na trh práce. Účastníci výmeny sú ako dobrovoľníci zaangažovaní do aktivít Neziskovej organizácie EPIC v oblasti podpory zamestnanosti mladých ľudí a preto požiadali EPIC o zastrešenie tejto m...
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The circumstances have changed in recent years: instead of relying on the government it's up to future employees to take initiatives by themselves. Create possibilities and be pro-active to be employed. That's what the economy and society are waiting for: flexible and creative people who are willing to take action and inspire others. The base of being pro-active and creative is inner leadership: a...
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Effective Communication for YOUth Employability

Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: Dec 31, 2015,

The training addresses 32 participants’ need to develop their communicative competences and to multiply the project’s outcomes within their local communities. The main target group is composed of professionals, volunteer youth workers or trainers, all working in the youth sector. Participants’ countries are the following: Romania, Armenia, Hungary, Czech Republic, Italy, Spain, Macedonia, Ukraine,...
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