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The HASTECS project aims at supporting the demonstration of radical aircraft configurations (CS-2/WP1.6) by means of models and tools development that can help the designers in assessing main benefits of architectures and power management of hybrid electric propulsion. The proposed consortium involves all competences to face the huge complexity of this process. All academic researchers will gather...
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According to the Integrated Roadmap of the Set-plan, and to reach the new EU target of 27% of renewable energies in 2030, there is the need to rapidly expand the use of all renewable energy sources in Europe to accelerate the fight against global climate change. This requires the acceleration of development of new options that are emerging today, particularly, technologies that solve the key issue...
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The world demographic growth and global climate change are major challenges for human society,hence the need to design new strategies for maintaining high crop yield in unprecedented environmental conditions.The objective of TomGEM is to design new strategies aiming to maintain high yields of fruit and vegetables at harsh temperature conditions, using tomato as a reference fleshy fruit crop.As yie...
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The business model currently under development for second generation ethanol is a replication of the model used for first generation which is plants with massive annual production capacities. Such high production rates require high capital investment and huge amounts of biomasses (250-350,000 tons per year) concentrated in small radius catchment areas to afford transportation costs (50 km). Under ...
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Terrestrial and marine ecosystems provide essential services to human societies. Anthropogenic pressures, however, cause serious threat to ecosystems, leading to habitat degradation, increased risk of collapse and loss of ecosystem services. Knowledge-based conservation, management and restoration policies are needed to improve ecosystem benefits in face of increasing pressures. ECOPOTENTIAL makes...
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Création d’un Master en Biotechnologies Végétales Appliquées

Start date: Oct 15, 2015, End date: Oct 14, 2018,

The main objective of this project is the creation in Rabat-Morocco University of a Master in Applied Plant Biotechnology in partnership with universities and centers/institutes from Europe and Morocco. It aims to improve the quality of higher education and relevance of this for the labor market and society at national and regional level. It also aims to improve the level of local expertise and te...
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Live Action Data Input and Output (LADIO)

Start date: Dec 1, 2016, End date: May 31, 2018,

Modern film production relies heavily on digital acquisition and transformation. Blending real-world cinematography and computer graphics necessitates a tight integration between the shooting set and post-production. Today, editing and color grading are more and more frequently initiated directly on set to enable interactions between the shooting crew and the creative team. To facilitate communica...
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The objective of the NanoSim project is to create an efficient and cost effective multi-scale simulation platform based on free and open-source codes. This platform will connect models spanning a wide range of scales from the atomic scale through the particle and cluster scales, the industrial equipment scale and the full system scale.To support the information flow and data sharing between differ...
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Higher education student and staff mobility project

Start date: Jun 1, 2016, End date: Sep 30, 2017,

This is a higher education student and staff mobility project, please consult the website of the organisation to obtain additional details.
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Refractory metals (tungsten, tantalum, rhenium, molybdenum and niobium) are highly strategic metals today mainly imported from a few countries. The European primary production remains below a few percentage. However, resources exist in Europe, as primary resources but mainly as secondary resources (industrial waste, urban mines). Valorizing these resources requires coordination and networking betw...
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NEXT-3D is an innovative European-Australian project that consists of 4 academic and 2 non-academic members. The research methodology is based on the multi-disciplinary and inter-sectorial collaboration among the network participants and focuses into main themes: 3D Printing, Enhance Coating, and medical translation with the main aim to develop the next generation of multifunctional 3D materials f...
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Self-Healing Thermal Barrier Coatings (SAMBA)

Start date: Mar 1, 2013, End date: Feb 28, 2017,

"This project deals with the creation of a new, unique self-healing thermal barrier coating (TBC) for turbines and other thermally loaded structures in order to realize a significant extension of the lifetime of critical high-temperature components. The concept is based on novel Al2O3 coated Mo-Si particles embedded in the TBC layer, typically consisting of yttria-stabilised zirconia. As the curre...
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Chemical-looping combustion (CLC) has unique potential for reducing energy and cost penalty for CO2 capture, as it avoids the costly gas separation of other CO2 capture technologies. Early deployment is seen in natural gas steam generation, where gas-to-steam efficiency penalty with CLC is below 1%-point compared to 15%-points with amine scrubbing and 8%-points with oxyfuel combustion, all for 95%...
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Diagnosis of skin cancer using optics (DIAGNOPTICS)

Start date: Dec 1, 2013, End date: Nov 30, 2016,

DIAGNOPTICS deals with novel tools for the diagnosis and prognosis of skin cancer. Biophotonics-based tools for in-vivo and ex-vivo analysis of lesions will be combined in a pilot diagnostic workflow, which pursues using them as consecutive filters discarding benign lesions, and confirming the malignancy of others in order to guide them to surgery only when required. The in-vivo techniques will be...
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Ecopaint bio-based formulations (ECOBIOFOR)

Start date: Sep 1, 2014, End date: Nov 30, 2016,

The EU solvents market totalled 5.0 Million Tons in 2010. The bio-based solvent consumption was only 0.63 Million Tons (12.6%), mainly devoted to cleaning operations, however the consumption of biosolvents is estimated to grow annually 4.8% up to 1.1 million by 2020 (EU Innova-Biochem 2010).The Coatings/Inks/Adhesives Industry represents 58% of the global solvent consumption, since they use solven...
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"The main objective of the planned project IMPACT is to increase the life-time of fuel cells with membrane-electrode assemblies containing ultra low Pt-loading (< 0.2 mg cm-2) for automotive applications. The economic requirements to reduce Pt loading leads to the challenge to maintain durability and performance, an aspect which has not been addressed sufficiently in public projects and studies. A...
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Higher education student and staff mobility project

Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: Sep 30, 2016,

This is a higher education student and staff mobility project, please consult the website of the organisation to obtain additional details.
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A new Aeronautical Training Network is proposed to train Early Stage Researchers and Experienced Researchers in front-line, integrated, industry relevant research in unsteady aerodynamics and noise for the next generation of environmentally friendly wide-body civil aircraft. Building upon the multi-host EST FP6 programme AeroTraNet, AeroTraNet 2 clusters the complementary expertise of 5 establishe...
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Previz for On-set Production - Adaptive Realtime Tracking (POPART)

Start date: Jan 1, 2015, End date: Jun 30, 2016,

European film makers are well-known for their creative innovation in selecting themes, their original way of storytelling and their art of cinematography. Like elsewhere in the world, they use computer-generated visual effects to achieve the intended visual experience and quality.To achieve the best interaction between the creative team on set and the post-production team, it is important to achie...
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Graphene-Based Revolutions in ICT And Beyond (GRAPHENE)

Start date: Oct 1, 2013, End date: Mar 31, 2016,

This Flagship aims to take graphene and related layered materials from a state of raw potential to a point where they can revolutionize multiple industries – from flexible, wearable and transparent electronics, to new energy applications and novel functional composites.Our main scientific and technological objectives in the different tiers of the value chain are to develop material technologies fo...
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Vision-2020, whose objectives include the reduction of emissions and a more effective transport systems, puts severe demands on aircraft velocity and weight. These require an increased load on wings and aero-engine components. The greening of air transport systems means a reduction of drag and losses, which can be obtained by keeping laminar boundary layers on external and internal airplane parts...
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"[Analysis] The problem of finding a fluid for two phase capillary pumped cooling systems is a multiobjective one, considering the numerous properties to match. Besides we can expect to find a fluid within the tens of thousands of existing molecules, which have not been tested for this application, or a fluid that could be easily synthesised from an existing fluid. The critical point is finding th...
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Climate change is one of the major environmental modifications related to the industrial era. Global warming is not uniform and global climate models project the strongest future warming in the high latitudes. Until now these environments were far less studied than environments at lower latitudes. Most of Arctic rivers drain large permafrost or seasonally frozen areas. The top of the permafrost so...
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"The purpose of the IMPALA project is to manufacture improved GDL to increase performance (up to 1 W/cm²) and durability of PEMFC for automotive applications. Two approaches will be followed: i) Homogeneous GDL will be modified to ensure a better water management on anode and on cathode side (formulation of the MPL, wettability, stability of the hydrophobic treatment, hydrophilic layers, and condu...
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Higher education student and staff mobility project

Start date: Jun 1, 2014, End date: Sep 30, 2015,

INP Toulouse is a federation of 3 engineering schools in 3 years (Engineer degree = Master's degree), admission being effective after national concourse (CPGE), INP's Prépa, ... For more than 10 years, a minimum of 3 months of international mobility is mandatory for all engineer students, either study mobility (30 ECTS minimum) or internship in labs or companies. This mobility is a full part of th...
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Smart Power ICs are extensively used in automotive embedded systems due to their unique capabilities to merge low power and high voltage devices on the same chip, at competitive cost. In such devices, induced electrical coupling noise due to switching of the power stages, when integrating such high voltage (HV) devices with low voltage (LV) functions, is a big issue. During switching, parasitic vo...
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Game and Learning Alliance (GaLA)

Start date: Oct 1, 2010, End date: Sep 30, 2014,

The GaLA motivation stems from the acknowledgment of the potentiality of Serious Games (SGs) for education and training and the need to address the challenges of the main stakeholders of the SGs European landscape (users, researchers, developers/industry, educators). A foundational fault issue in this context is the fragmentation that affects the SG landscape.GALA aims to shape the scientific comm...
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NAMDIATREAM will develop a cutting edge nanotechnology-based toolkit for multi-modal detection of biomarkers of most common cancer types and cancer metastases, permitting identification of cells indicative of early disease onset in a high-specificity and throughput format in clinical, laboratory and point-of-care devices. The project is built on the innovative concepts of super-sensitive and highl...
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Les régions du SUDOE, dont l'agriculture fait partie fondamentale de l'économie, sont spécialement exposées au changement climatique. La disponibilité en eau et l'augmentation des températures affecterontfortement à la production agricole, et influeront en même temps sur la production énergétique. En plus, le fait que les exploitations agricoles et d'élevages soient passées d'extensives à intensiv...
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"Today, USA and Brazil have massively invested in ethanol mono-production, taking advantage of their respective native crops, intensive culture practices and large availability of land. These renewable biofuel production models cannot be applied to most of the industrial and emerging countries. For these countries with limited land use, one of the best solutions to comply with their objectives of ...
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El objetivo del proyecto OiLCA es mejorar la competitividad del sector del aceite de oliva en el Espacio SUDOE reduciendo el impacto ambiental de la producción mediante la aplicación de los principios de la eco-eficiencia. Se pretende implementar alternativas en la gestión de los residuos con tecnología de vanguardia que tenga en cuenta aspectos económicos y, a la vez, favorezca la modernización d...
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The MyPlanet collaborative initial training network represents a European initiative to train a new generation of engineers in the field of high performance computing applied to the numerical combustion simulation, energy conversion processes and related atmospheric pollution issues. Indeed, the project is based on the recognised lack on European level of highly skilled engineers that are equally ...
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"The ATAAC project aims at improvements to Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) methods for aerodynamic flows used in today’s aeronautical industry. The accuracy of these is limited by insufficient capabilities of the turbulence modelling / simulation approaches available, especially at the high Reynolds numbers typical of real-life flows. As LES will not be affordable for such flows in the next 4 d...
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Guardian Angels for a Smarter Life (Guardian Angels)

Start date: May 1, 2011, End date: Apr 30, 2012,

Guardian Angels (GA) are future zero-power, intelligent, autonomous systems-of-systems featuring sensing, computation, and communication beyond human aptitudes. GA will assist humans from their infancy to old age in complex life situations and environments. Zero-power reflects system-of-systems ability to scavenge energy in dynamic environments by disruptive harvesting techniques. The project prep...
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Este proyecto de Investigación y Desarrollo tiene por objetivo desarrollar un prototipo que permita la evaluación de los riesgos de degradación de la calidad de las aguas en períodos de crecidas en las cuencas agrícolas del SUDOE, con el objetivo de conseguir: - La protección de la calidad de los ecosistemas acuáticos. - La protección de las captaciones de agua potable en zonas agrícolas. Este pro...
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NEWCOM++ is the acronym of a proposed Network of Excellence in Wireless COMmunications, submitted to Call 1 of the VII Framework Programme under the Objective ICT-2007.1.1: The Network of the Future, mainly in its target direction "Ubiquitous network infrastructure and architectures". The current proposal draws inspiration, shape/form, and substantive direction from its successful predecessor, t...
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"An ambitious and achievable vision for 2030 is that up to 25% of the EU’s transport fuel needs could be meet by clean and CO2-efficient biofuel. To achieve this, it will be necessary to promote the transition towards “second generation biofuels” (e.g. lignocellulosic ethanol, syngas gas based fuels, pyrolysis oil based biofuels) but also support the implementation of currently available biofuels ...
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Background The impact of agriculture on Europe’s water resources will have to be reduced if the quality of surface and groundwater is to be improved. The agricultural soils of EU countries contain large nitrogen surplus that can potentially pollute both surface and groundwater. Furthermore, in many European countries pesticides contaminate the drinking ...
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Le projet DEMETER, Création du Master professionnel en Développement territorial durable, est issu d’une première étude Tempus en 2007. Elle a mis en évidence (1) les grandes difficultés d’insertion professionnelle des jeunes techniciens et ingénieurs agricoles tunisien, (2) l’émergence de nouveaux métiers axés sur le développement des territoires ruraux.La Tunisie affiche le développement local e...
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This TN project brings together within a single network all actors in HE in chemistry and chemical engineering in Europe. There are schools, universities, industries, national chemical societies, and accreditation bodies. The project brings all these actors together to collaborate in the development of a knowledge based economy, specifically in chemistry and chemical engineering. The project:- wil...
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