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12 European Projects Found

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Multicultural/multilingual learning in early years

Start date: Sep 1, 2016, End date: Aug 31, 2019,

The aim of the project MUTUAL Multicultural/ multilingual learning in early years is to develop and further disseminate the comprehensive response to the integration and inclusion of children with migrant background in the early years and to improve the quality of the practices in early education as well as attainment of vulnerable children in preschool (both priorities under EC document Ea...
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XXI Trainer

Start date: Dec 7, 2015, End date: Dec 6, 2017,

A new trainer is born: able to use user-friendly andragogical methodologies as well as be able to mediate “knowledge zapping” and “knowledge surfing” very applied to new jobs, new market needs and new European citizens (with all 8 key skills) and continuous qualification for lifelong learning. In this sense the Pedagogical Methodologies for Trainers is understood as main tool for preparing teach...
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Work-Based Training in the school-to-work transition process (WBT)

Start date: Sep 1, 2015, End date: Aug 31, 2017,

Entering the labour market successfully when their schooling is finished is a challenge to young people all over Europe, especially if they are considered disadvantaged. The problem is not only visible in the economically weaker countries in Southern and Eastern Europe, but is also evident in the stronger countries. The barriers that disadvantaged young people face are generally the lack of a prop...
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In times of striking economic crisis in Europe, education and training are more in the spotlight than ever, as policymakers are looking for clear responses to challenges faced by the Member States. All over Europe, national VET system and VET organisations are making considerable efforts to face these challenges and are undergoing developments to ensure that VET qualifications meet the highest qua...
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Reflection tools for supporting individual learning paths of adults

Start date: Sep 1, 2015, End date: Aug 31, 2017,

The main aim of the strategic cooperation is to develop reflection tools for supporting individual learning paths of adults. Effective tools will improve quality in adult education and training and increase the level of learning outcomes. The adult educators who take part in the project will learn the necessity and ways of using various reflection methods for adults. During our partnership we wil...
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Sotenet Mobility with Eurocom Smart

Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2017,

Sotenet - a school network consisting of 8 Finnish colleges offering vocational qualification in social and health care, practical nurse education has worked for 15 years to improve the quantity and quality of students' work placement perods in European partner countries. During the last years Sotenet network has developed student preparation before work placement periods and student tuition has...
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AE distance and entrepreunerial learning

Start date: Dec 7, 2015, End date: Dec 6, 2016,

The CFL intends to develop the delivery of lifelong learning by an ongoing improvement and adaption to the needs as described in the ET 2020: the need for improvement of efficiency, quality and social and gender equality are important. The ET 2020 also underline the importance for adult education providers to foster an active citizenship and enhance creativity and entrepreunership in all levels o...
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The project "Worklife Guidance - Development of guidance and counseling in the workplace" is about bringing together methods used within career guidance and counselling, validation of prior learning and Human Resource Management and build a toolbox for providers of guidance services to use when working with managers and employees in the workplace on a strategical development of the workforce comp...
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The modern society is extensively depending on welded products likebridges, constructions of pipes and buildings. Our safety depends onquality of materials, welder’s basic competence, and their continuousskills upgrading towards new welding processes and materials. •Sustainable economic growth of the European knowledge basedeconomy is strengthened by offering welder specialists in the Europeanwide...
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In Italy, like OECD countries, there is a constant link between the issue of life long learning and life long career guidance, so institution and government plan a lot of career guidance actions towards young people or disadvantaged workers , whilst there is a lack of initiatives adressed to temporary or open ended employees. These kind of worker need support too, in order to find out or to buil...
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The ICT jobs in Europe are unfilled now and there is a decline in competitiveness. The number of digital jobs is growing – by 3% each year during the crisis – but the number of new skilled ICT workers is shrinking. In 2020 almost three quarters of jobs will be in services, especially in BUSINESS SERVICES. ICT professionals have to develop skills in marketing or management; service workers have to...
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