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17 European Projects Found

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Chronic aortic aneurysms are permanent and localized dilations of the aorta that remain asymptomatic for long periods of time but continue to increase in diameter before they eventually rupture. Left untreated, the patients’ prognosis is dismal, since the internal bleeding of the rupture brings about sudden death. Although successful treatment cures the disease, the risky procedures can result in ...
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C3-Cloud will establish an ICT infrastructure enabling a collaborative care and cure cloud to enable continuous coordination of patient-centred care activities by a multidisciplinary care team and patients/informal care givers. A Personalised Care Plan Development Platform will allow, for the first time, collaborative creation and execution of personalised care plans for multi-morbid patients thro ...
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TEN-T and the North Sea Region (TEN-TaNS)

Start date: Jan 7, 2013, End date: Jun 29, 2015,

Inspired by the NSR Interreg IVB projects the TEN‐T and the North Sea Region project will from a NSR perspective analyse opportunities and consequences for freight transport of the new EU TEN‐T Regulation, the Connecting Europe Facility, the Clean Power for Transport Initiative and the Europe2020 Strategy seen on a regional level. A toolbox of regional measures will be developed to optimise region ...
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Local food as engine for local business (LOCFOOD)

Start date: Dec 31, 2011, End date: Dec 30, 2014,

The SMEs in the local food sector are often micro SMEs that have low involvement in clustering, cooperation and innovation, and they have a great potential of playing an important role in creating jobs and opportunities in rural areas. All participating regions have various degrees of policies and experiences regarding the local food sector, and will benefit from sharing knowledge and good practic ...
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Background:Central Baltic region covers regions around the Baltic Sea that have been linked by economic ties already for centuries.Initially it was mainly trade,but with the growing development of transport links,the region has evolved as a location for inhabitants of the whole CB region,where they can work,live and travel.While urban areas are mostly known as a suitable working and living enviro ...
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Environmental issues in general and the climate challenge in particular have during later years be-come one, if not the, leading issue in the public and private debate. Researchers and experts agree that a substantial share of the climate change we are witnessing can be attributed to human factors. This is evident from the findings of the IPCC and key reports such as the Stern Review on the Econom ...
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Bothnian Green Logistic Corridor (BGLC)

Start date: Jun 8, 2011, End date: Mar 7, 2013,

The railway infrastructure of the Bothnian Corridor is of great importance for transnational cargo flows within EU and to the rest of the world and it is listed in the Baltic Sea Strategy action plan as an optional flagship project. The corridor is of great importance for all the states in the Baltic Sea Region and central Europe, for transports of cargo as well as for sustainable passenger transp ...
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“EU 2020 going local – from detached Lisbon and Gothenburg Strategies to a regionalised indigenous EU 2020” is designed to contribute to the effective implementation of the current Lisbon and Gothenburg Strategies and the new EU 2020 strategy at local and regional level. In particular, this means building on the stock of tried and tested successful experiences at the local implementation of the fo ...
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Regions and municipalities are the key actors in managing urban-rural interactions and their impacts on quality of life. The conditions for urban-rural interactions are dependent on developments both at micro (individual) and at macro (planning) levels. These parallel processes are of specific relevance in the key pillars of quality of life in urban-rural context: (1) residential preferences; (2) ...
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Reviews for Sustainable Eco-Regions via Europe (PRESERVE)

Start date: Oct 31, 2008, End date: Oct 30, 2011,

In order to become "the most competitive and dynamic knowledge-based economy in the world, the European Union relies on the harmonious and sustainable development of its Member States, but also of their Regions. Being particularly close to the citizens, and best aware of their strengths and needs, Regions are indeed key actors in the overall EU strategy for more growth and better jobs. In addition ...
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Start date: Aug 31, 2008, End date: Nov 29, 2010,

RAPIDE is a propsal for a capitalisation network involving 13 partners from 11 Member States. Its aim is to implement good practice relating to the role of the public sector in stimulating innovation in partner regions, in particular helping businesses (primarily SMEs) to bring innovative products and services to market more quickly. The long term objective of the project is to stimulate innovatio ...
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Baltic Urban Sustainable Transport Implementation and Planning (BUSTRIP)

Start date: Jun 30, 2005, End date: Dec 30, 2007,

The core objective of the project was to develop solutions for the decoupling of economic and transport growth in 12 Baltic Sea Region cities and their functional urban areas, and to make these solutions available to other cities in BSR and Europe through a transferable tool. The project has focused on strengthening the medium-sized and secondary cities, to enable the cities to become engines for ...
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The SUSTAINMENT project aims to meet the needs and challenges of local authorities in moving towards a more integrated sustainability process. The intention is to further develop the current sustainable development processes of the municipalities by creating models for Sustainability Management Centres (SMC), including cross-sectoral policy integration, increased stakeholder participation, and mon ...
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The Baltic University Urban Forum, BUUF, aims to contribute to a sustainable development in the Baltic Sea region by developing local sustainability strategies. The project is of special relevance for spatial planning, building strategies, and infrastructure development, where the role of the municipality is large. The project aims to develop integrative tools for urban management.The project addr ...
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The Baltic University Urban Forum (BUUF) is a cooperation between cities/towns and universities in the Baltic Sea region to promote sustainable development. The BUUF project aims to develop strategies for sustainable development for cities and towns. 20 cities and towns, and 15 universities in 9 countries take part in the project. Through the Union of Baltic Cities the results will be available fo ...
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...l partners in 8 countries: 4 who participated in RSG 2005-2008: Omnia, Alasin Media, CFA and ITT and 6 new partners: Kehtna, Istanbul EA Hotel and Restaurant School, Soltau, University of Alicante, Örebro and Lapin ammattiopisto. LAO will act as a monitoring partner in the project, monitoring the transferability of the innovation into Social and Health Care field. In addition we have 4 associated ...
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The project Prevalet aims at defining a management model to assess and improve the quality of the regional policies in the field of education and training which will be based on the Open Method of Coordination applied at regional level. This model will be based on a common structure of description of procedures and impact assessment supported by a databank to make it comparable. The support for th ...
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