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Start date: Oct 1, 2016, End date: Jan 31, 2018 PROJECT  FINISHED 

"7Roads 1Path" was initiated by European young leaders in order to create a space for meeting, for reflection and action, around the question of welcoming and intergrating refugees, offering enough time, resources, methods, activities, interventions, to understand better, positionning ourselves and take action as young citizens to share and promote this process and, if possible, to take concrete actions and to sensibilize around this dramatic issue. This project is a 3 weeks youth exchange from the 10th of July to the 1rst of August 2017 in two villages of rural Auvergne (Condat and Siant-Nectaire) with 57 young participants, native, immigrants, residents or refugees of Germany, France, Turkey, Hungary, Slovakia, Bulgaria and Greece. The variaty of point of views, of shared feelings and experiences, will bring us into constructive meetings and discussions, in order to develop reflection and action around a very sensitive and complex issue. To avoid, simplist and passive analysis, the youth exchange will be preceded with a long preparation phase of almost 9 months with inquiries on each of our fields, collecting information, testimonies, reflection material of all sort, that we will be able to exchange before the actual meeting through a collaborative platform of resources. These resources will be shared at the beginning of the youth exchange with, simultaneously, a critical analysis of the historical and political issues, helped for that by experts of the migrations in Europe subject . We will then be in position of discussing the possible ranges of intervention, as young citizens that we are, for the resolution of the humanitarian and political crisis and for integration of refugees and migrants in general, this to imagine new tools of sensitization and, if possible, to explore concrete, realistic and applicable modes of action in each of our countries. The workshops of participative artistic expression (performing or visual arts) will allow us to produce various outputs (blog, documentary, short-movies, performances, exhibitions, comics). These results will be shared during the youth exchange through the various public events (conferences, public discussions and video presentations, performances in different public spaces of the villages). Also after the actual exchange, via the social networks, a collaborative digital platform, and through the "7Roads 1Path" kit, digital tool of promotion and sensitization, that will be communicated to all the partners we would have met all along the preparation and realization and to the school of our regions and to an as large as possible audience. Because of all the knowledge, awarenees and exchanges, with a better understanding of the Erasmus+ program, with a new network of friends all over Europe, all the participants should be able to become active young European leaders and to develop their own projects and initiatives linked to refugies issues, with the support of the coordinating organization.

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6 Partners Participants