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4 Professions 4 Great Future
Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The essence of the project: 4 Professions 4 Great Future within Erasmus+ mobility project for vet learners is to support the students of two types of professional education - technical and vocational schools. Capturing significant knowledge and professional skills will be provided by mobility visits to Germany, the UK and Spain. It is crucial because of their future work in the open European labour market. The participants in the project will be the technical students of construction, geodesy, landscape architecture and hotel business as well as vocational school learners in the profession of fitter of building and finishing work in construction. We have planned 8 two-week mobilities. Each mobility for a group of 16 students and 2 teachers. Every mobility will be provided by 40-hour workshop includes language and culture course as well as health and safety one. The entire project will be completed in cooperation with foreign partners, whose role is to organize and supervise the proper conduct of student practice in the chosen companies. In addition, the foreign partners take on the responsibility of logistic and monitoring actions in relation to local regulations and formal requirements. Each mobility will be confirmed by documents (Europass, ECVET, language certificate) coherent to the curriculum of every profession. Recruitment of students interested in participating in the project will be held separately for each of the eight groups, but always according to the same criteria based on the principle of gender equality. Recruitment will be conducted by the committee immediately before the succeeding mobility with the principle of the determination of the students on the reserve list in order to ensure the required number of participants in the event of random factors preventing the trip to someone from a list of essential . Students who participated previously in other mobilities organized by the school are also eligible to participate in the foreign practice implemented in the framework of this project after meeting general conditions. Students who are beneficiaries of the project will have the possibility of foreign familiarity apprenticeship in workplaces corresponding to their education directions, which will definitely increase their knowledge and skills - both in terms of each profession, as well as in the field of the free use of a foreign language. This ability is not to be underestimated in today's job market. An important role will be played also by the students opportunity to explore the local culture, social life, culture and nature of work in workplaces typical for certain occupations. It is worth emphasizing that the vast majority of high school students are young people from families and communities with significantly limited access to science and culture. Due to the financial status probably they would never have the opportunity to take advantage of the foreign work experience, out of their reach would also be the opportunity to participate in an additional language and cultural course during preparation for the mobility. Considering one of the top priorities in the EU countries based on providing citizens of the Member States with freedom to work and travel in a given country, the activities planned in the project are an important element of fair prepare students - future graduates of vocational schools - for smooth functioning in the open labor market - also a European dimension. Thus, the school organizes a similar effect greatly contributes to reducing the risk of unemployment and binds to the social exclusion.
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