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3R´s: Read, Reuse, Recycle!
Start date: Sep 1, 2016, End date: Aug 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

3R's Read, Reuse, Recycle is a Project which involves the association of five European schools:-CEIP Veinte de Enero, Agüimes, Spain.-Ganztagsvolksschule, Vienna, Austria.-Blessed Dominic BC School, London, United Kingdom.-Engelska skolan i Upplands Väsby, Stockolm, Sweden.-Mentis sp. z o.o., Warsow, Poland.Its goal is to pursue a global vision of the linguistic skills in ages between 3 and 12 years old. It covers four key aspects: didactic approaches, overcoming reading difficulties, teacher training and promotion of reading through job shadowing.Bearing that in mind, our priorities are:1.Provide our school organization with an international view. We are determined to promote new leadership strategies in our Educational Community, more flexible and open to an international communication.2.Internationalize our Reading Project (Biblionaga) by joining it to the ones developed so we can stablish a two-way enrichment relationship. By the common design of a Reading Project we could widen our students’ horizons and their linguistic, cultural, social and citizenship competences.3. Bilingual Reading Project. The previous priority is reinforced by introducing a bilingual approach from early stages.4.Development of the reading skills of the students with Special Needs.We emphasize in how important it is to learn a second language from infant education until the end of primary. At the same time, we are able to make our students become aware of the fact that they are European citizens, too. So, through the develop of their linguistic competences and their digital competences we will try to put our students in touch with a young and multicultural Europe which they are part of, what will open the doors for them and will let them share and learn from different realities.Taking into account the aims mentioned before, every school that is part of 3R’s will share their strengths regarding the improvement of the linguistic competence at school. We will create a common international and inclusive Reading Plan that will work as the tool to make progress in the second language.Every mobility in the project is directly connected with the strengths of every school, as follows:-Ganztagsvolksschule main strength in their “active-cooperative” reading techniques. We want to include them in our school training programme so that the techniques will be known for all our staff.-Blessed Dominic BC School is a multicultural school that offers a great connection to internationalize Biblionaga. Our main concern is to cooperate and design a Multicultural Reading Plan that opens our students learning opportunities to Europe, and their linguistic, cultural and social skills.-Engelska skolan i Upplands Väsby is a bilingual school that effectively integrates the English language in their curriculum from early ages through a reading plan. This mobility will work not only to integrate our reading plans but also to acquire new techniques in the motivation of the language learning.-Mentis sp. z o.o. is specialized in a technique known as Mindful Reading from 3 to 12 years old. It is oriented to increase the student’s attention spam and make emphasis in the development of the personal strengths, both will have a direct influence in their attitude towards school and life.The best ones to benefit with a project with these characteristics will be the students as being part through the use of eTwinning will help them in:-Being aware of how important a second language is not only as a curriculum subject, but as an open door to other cultures.-Understanding how important it is to develop reading skills.-Improving the reading skills of the student with special needs.-Using Information Communication and technology (Known as ICT) not only as a means of communication, but as a tool to improve their learning process.Benefits for the schools:-Develop European connections.-Widen teacher’s horizons by providing with new pre-reading and reading methodologies.-Provide with teaching counselling and orientation.-Improve teaching techniques.-Improve student’s reading skills.-Improve school results.-Greater motivation and satisfaction at work.From our point of view, the impact of this project in our schools' daily life will provide a unique context to generate new and innovative work models and future cooperation.
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