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25% of the Population, 100% the Future
Start date: Jan 11, 2016, End date: Jan 10, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

25% of the population, 100% the future (25%)The Partnership for Young London (London’s regional youth work support unit) believes that the voice of young people should steer the development of policy and practice in all policy areas which impact on their lives. Young people are 25% of the population of London and their voice is critical to the development of the region. Through this Key Action 3 Structured Dialogue project, young people will significantly influence the future delivery of programmes in London through a direct approach to challenge and influence to policy makers across the region and within this the candidate for the London Mayoral Elections in May 2016. THE AIMS, ISSUES AND NEEDS We believe that young people in London could be in a unique position to capture opportunities and to influence their own development, yet are often hampered by a competitive and over-complex education and training system, challenged by limited access to the internationally competitive London labour market, and limited in their personal and social development through the reduction of youth, sport and support services. All indices of need illustrate that life is challenging in London, despite its opportunities. Poverty levels equal those in the poorer parts of the UK, young under-employment is a major concern, as often university graduates can only find part-time or zero-hours work. Housing seems to be out of reach for most young people, and they are at risk of leaving school early and facing unemployment lack social capital, thereby limiting their choices and chances for further education and employment. Access to London’s opportunities needs a regional policy context which will enable it. THE PROJECT OUTLINEA team of young people recruited through our partners and through our membership across 600 youth agencies with be trained and supported to reach young people through structured dialogues in satellite workshops and through an electronic survey, galvanising and crystallising the views of young people on the help they need to meet their goals and to contribute fully to the future life of London. - 25 young people will be recruited and trained young people as members of the 25% Voice of Young London Youth Board, supported by a strategic board- Satellite Road Shows will be held in 15 venues (including; schools, colleges youth clubs, and cultural/sport centres) will recruit 40 young people into workshops as a structured dialogue to express and explore their views on the range of issues facing young people in London- roundtable sessions with policy makers will be facilitated throughout the programme to create a structure of ongoing dialogue - The Voice of London Survey will seek the views of 1000 young people on the issues they face and the solutions they seek25% will impact on policy through:• The London Youth Report – an info graphics report on the young people’s views, linked to a website with the materials collated for easy access, which will be disseminated to all key policy leads and other stakeholders• A social media site with Instagram and Twitter feeds highlighting young people’s views and what they feel needs to happen • Roundtables with key policy makers where this material can be presentedYoung people will develop the skills of structured dialogue as an intentional communication process to help individuals, organisations and communities to enhance resilience, build trust and help people learn to have constructive conversations with those they would otherwise avoid or conflict with25% will inform regional policy makers including the candidates for the London Mayoral Election 2016 of the needs of young people and the services they require to access the opportunities offered by London, to make a vibrant contribution to the London economy and community, and to open the channels for long-term communication between the elected mayor following the election. THE ACTIVITIES SUPPORTED UNDER THIS ACTIONCentral to the programme will be the EU thematic priority of youth empowerment through structured dialogue.It will have three phases • planning and preparation• implementation of the Activities• evaluation (including reflection on a possible follow-up).It will provide the opportunity to carry out structured dialogues with key future policy makers, promoting the active participation of young people in democratic life and fostering debate around topics centred on the themes and priorities for renewed political framework in the youth field. It will be led by young people as active participants in all the stages of the project, from preparation to follow-up. Non-formal learning principles and practices are reflected throughout the implementation project.

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