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21st Century Skills: Pathway for School Innovation
Start date: Sep 1, 2014, End date: Aug 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Living in the XXI century, we witness many radical changes evolving in almost every area of our lives. As teachers, we consider important the crucial transformations happening in fields connected to teaching and learning. That is why the contemporary school should be able to succesfully tackle complex tasks, as well as new challenges. In order to get the interest of the student, we need to implement various tools that are different now than in XX the century. Now teachers, parents and children have gained access to the new world of education that integrates the abundance of interactive and social tools or techniques. The traditional chalk and board, and a good teacher may not appear anymore as a guarantee of the effectiveness of the educational process. In the information society, the new student requires a completely different approach to teaching, that will allow them to progress and convert into the knowledge information given.The aim of the project is to change ''digital natives'' into competent students. What is more young people are becoming global citizens, hence the ability to adjust in a multicultural world is increasingly important. With the development of the world we must develop personally as well, mostly in terms of improving students' communication skills that are nowadays so crucially useful. Multicultural education should be at the heart of the teaching proccess. Speaking foreign languages, understanding and appreciating other cultures and working towards shared goals with counterparts from different backgrounds are the abilities that can save our youth from alienation, isolation and anonymity. Students in this project will have the opportunity to gain new experiences, create the final products, improve key life skills and embrace new attitudes to many issues such as their education, school environment, culture and social lives. Amelioration of digital skills and literacy of the teacher will enable them to bring into the class new stimulating methods, increase of the self-confidence and most importantly the experience of carrying lessons crafted for developing specific student's abilities that would be more difficult to gain through traditional learning. If we want to teach 21st century kids we cannot use 19th century approaches. Kids will not connect school and the real world. The teachers will become competent to creating the interactive experiences for the students. They would be able to look up to the good examples of using the ICT which will be demonstrated during visits. The school will provide effective teaching methods and tools whereas the students will be more motivated to improve their competences and abilities. The school will gain appreciation from both the local community and the education authorities.

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