2016: Fit for Future=Fit for Europe
Start date: Jun 1, 2016,
End date: May 31, 2017
About 9 apprentice in a dual apprenticeship will take part for respectively four weeks in the project "2016: Fit for Europe = Fit for Future" of Festo AG & Co. KG. They will composed of commercial and technical apprentice. The commercial apprentice includes the occupation industrial clerk. The technical apprentice includes the occupations industrial mechanics, mechatronic technicians, draftsmen, turners and electronics technicians. For them the stay abroad is very important because Festo AG & Co. KG is a global company, so English is a very important language. English is the base and the requirement in mostly every departement in the company. It becomes apperant that besides foreign language competences also cross-cultural competemces are essential. The stay abroad will demonstrate how the production abroad is build up, which machines are used and how the foreign collegues work. There will be exchange processes between the collegues and the apprentice, quality ensured and innovations will grow up.They will socialize, plan projects and advance the technial progress. The stays abroad are consequently an integral component of the dual apprenticeship und because of the personal, cross-cultural and organisational preperation of the apprentice they are able to compete the stays abroad successfully.The deployments are integrated into a preperation-phase and a postprocessing-phase. After the stay abroad the apprentice will recive the europass mobility.Our longtime experience in deployments depicts that the apprentice who participated in the projects are more mature, more self confident and more entrepreneurial. This attends them through and also after their apprenticeship and their further occupational life at Festo AG & Co. KG. We support their self-dependance, responsibility, flexibility but also the sensitising for the handling with foreign cultures, for the exchange of experiences with collegues and the understanding for the use of cross-cultural contacts
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