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2016 Financial support to the EQAVET
Start date: Apr 1, 2016, End date: Mar 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Before the establishment of the EQAVET NRP, national experts have been working on topics relevant to EQAVET, and taking part in the various EU working groups in the last 10 years. Our project will target all the 3 specific objectives. We will adapt the EQAVET+ Framework and the related guidelines developed on European level for the national context both on VET system (policy) and VET provider levels. We will also implement activities to strengthen our cooperation with other NRPs and learn from their good practises and share experiences. During the project lifetime we will make efforts to deepen the culture of quality assurance in VET via specific activities.We will set up and operate a National EQAVET Expert Network, which will initiate and maintain professional dialogue and serve as a consultant group. Moreover the Expert Network will develop a procedure for EQAVET labelling for those institutions and organisations who would like to use it as a quality assurance system. Dissemination activities will include developing professional materials and guidelines, primarily in Hungarian and their introduction to stakeholders on different professional events. We will update our national website with up to date materials and we will adapt the EQAVET on-line tool and make it available in Hungarian for VET and ALE providers. An international workshop will address VET quality assurance in a wider European context. Members of the National EQAVET Expert Network will take part in project events organised by other countries’ NRPs.We will also develop a further training for EQAVET users and pilot the training in the form of a practice oriented session. Our project will strengthen the work of our NRP, it will keep a wide range of stakeholders informed about the activities of the framework network, take concrete initiatives to promote further development of the framework in the national context, and ensure that information is disseminated to stakeholders effectively.
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