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2016 Financial support for NCP in Estonia
Start date: Jan 1, 2016, End date: Dec 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

During 2016 the Estonian Qualifications Authority (EQA) as NCP in Estonia will proceed with further implementation of the Estonian Qualifications Framework (EstQF) and its promotion in Estonia.Throughout the year several events for the stakeholders are planned, together with the communication manager of EQA, the promotional materials will get updated and dissemination plans are made to reach more of our stakeholders. Our informative videos will get translated and subtitled for even wider use. The EQA will be promoting the concept of the new system for the labour market skills anticipation (the OSKA system) supporting the development of the EstQF.The newly updated EQF referencing report will be revised, following the recommendations from the EQF Advisory Group and Cedefop, translated into Estonian, published and actively disseminated.A study visit is planned to an EU country to share experiences, learn from each other and generate new ideas, in addition the meetings with other Baltic NCPs are foreseen. Estonian NCP will actively participate in the Baltic NCP’s cooperation network working towards the idea of developing a joint Baltic glossary of terms related the qualifications frameworks in four languages: English, Estonian, Latvian and Lithuanian.A survey on the impact of EstQF will be commissioned, incl. an overview of best practices from other countries.All of our activities in 2016 are focused on implementing the Estonian Lifelong Learning Strategy 2020 adopted by the government on 13 February 2014.

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