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1914-2014 Il y a 100 ans, la Grande Guerre : regards croisés d'élèves en l'Europe
Start date: Sep 1, 2014, End date: Aug 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

In all Europe , commemorations will mark the First World War Centenary. As we are willing to take part in this Memory work , we are submitting a project on this topic. Over a period of 3 years but more likely 4 years , the eight participating schools representing a large area of this Europe at war will present the Great War, the reasons and the consequences of this conflict to their school communities . The beauty of this project lies on the quality and diversity of the partners, “ friends and enemies” as well as “North, South East and West fronts” at that time. The project is based on the numerous mobilities which will allow each school together with their European school partners to take part in the commemorations in its own city. This time together will enable the partners to share their work on the same topics. But most importantly ,those five days will be necessary for the building of a commemorative monument by the European students . “The large fresco” will be built with the material and resources of each school and will be made from different squares .T he frame, the size and the tints will be the same for each partner but the pattern is free and can be made of ceramic, wood, glass, stone depending on the school’s distinctive features ,technical skills and location. Each square will be reproduced in eight copies so that each school has a fresco very similar to the other frescoes in order to display it in their school or on special local , regional or national events . This three- year partnership ( from September 2014 to August 2017 ) is part of the many ceremonies planned in each participating country and therefore takes on a particularly interesting dimension ; it goes far beyond the mere school exchange program and hopefully will get our students and the whole school community to attend commemorative ceremonies at local, regional and even national level. This project deeply rooted in a historical context , enhanced by the number and diversity of the partners will give the teachers from very different school systems the opportunity to share their teaching experiences and academic expertise. As far as the students are concerned, the goals of such a project are numerous and particularly rich . The students will have the opportunity to improve their language skills ( French and English being the partnership languages ) and expand their historical knowledge. They will have the chance to talk about the current living conditions in their countries and the habits and customs a century ago. Last but not least, this project bringing together people who were “ allies and enemies 100 years ago” will help our students to understand what to be European means and to build, define and develop the European citizenship . This reflection will lead to the writing of a short Charter of the European Citizen ( in French and English) ,of poems and songs in memory of the war and those who died . The students will present their works at meetings and special events. One last highlight of this partnership will be a meeting of all the partners in Paris from where they will all go to Verdun together. This meeting will take place by the first half of the partnership. The project based the whole time on ICT to make communication easier will start and end with a meeting of the coordinators in order to make the organization and the coordination between the eight countries over 3 years as efficient and accurate as possible on one hand , and on the other to finalize the partnership so that it will build a long term relationship between the different countries and spread beyond the school community ( teachers, students and parents) , the ultimate goal being the celebration of November 11 ,2018.

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7 Partners Participants