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120 photos et 120 métiers pour l’orientation
Start date: Sep 1, 2015, End date: Aug 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Subject: Our proposal aims to enhance career guidance in education systems and training establishments. We are therefore proposing significant improvements to two teaching aids developed in LdV TOI projects which both have a wide audience with frequent and regular downloads. One of these tools is in the field of career guidance and the other in language learning by discovering different types of job (native or foreign language). We will create a system of educational links to be able to use the two tools together and will be making substantial additions to their content and functions and by adding three languages, making a total of six. Rationale: All the countries in Europe are making efforts in this field. In France, for example, the "parcours de découverte des métiers et des formations" (pathway to discovering jobs and training courses) is changing to become the "parcours individuel d'information et d’orientation et de découverte du monde économique et professionnel" (PIIODMEP) – individual pathway to information and guidance and discovering the economic and professional world) in September 2015. In Luxembourg, the Action Locale pour jeunes (an integration service within the Education Ministry) has teachers in each technical secondary school who provide training in career guidance and information about which profession to choose. In Austria, career guidance is a compulsory part of the school curriculum either as an independent subject or linked to other subjects. A recent study in Germany pointed out that about one pupil in two has problems choosing a career, independently of their level of education. But teachers do not always have the necessary tools and are often not thoroughly trained in this task. Furthermore, the written code and language barriers are often insurmountable for people with serious literacy problems and for migrants, which goes against the ambitious aim of “enabling everyone to find the right career” (the French framework agreement for a comprehensive and public career guidance service). The two tools proposed in this project can be used by a fairly wide target audience and particularly by those with literacy problems. “Zoom2Choose” is based exclusively on classifying photos and provides career guidance counsellors with results to help them help the young people in their career choices. In the tool “100 jobs”, all the texts can be read but also heard, which makes it accessible to a wider audience. The project is also useful in preventing children dropping out of school, which, in France especially, is a national priority. Young people with a strong idea of what career they want are more eager to learn and have greater incentive to achieve their goal. Description of the result: The result will be a set of free educational resources in FR, DE, EN, NL, LT and IS. The most innovative aspect of the project is that, in addition to the career guidance and help in constructing an individual career plan, it provides language exercises that introduce the different jobs. The tool is designed to be used either in the mother tongue or a foreign language, including the three most frequently studied. This project consists of: - a 2nd version of the application “Zoom2Choose”: new functions and extra content. - a new version of the tool “100 jobs brought to life”, making a total of 120 jobs which will cover all the jobs in Z2C - a system of links to use the two tools together - a teacher’s guide, with scenarios for use, to help the professionals when working with both tools together - a teacher’s training programme Web pages in the 6 languages will offer online access to the tools in the multimedia version, the possibility to download the paper version and also a self-training module with video tutorials. Consortium: It comprises 7 partners from five countries with different, proven skill sets: career guidance and disaffected pupils (GIP, ALJ, EC, FAS), language teaching (CTL EC, FAS, ADBS) creating teaching aids (EC, GIP, CTL, Rivage). Most of the partners have wide experience in international partnerships; three have already participated in one of the previous projects on which this one is based. Target audience: Career guidance professionals, teachers and trainers, particularly in languages, working with: - pupils/learners developing a career project, - disaffected pupils/learners Impact: Both the tools on which this project is based already have a huge impact, as witnessed by the references and articles on Internet and by statistics providing precise figures of how often the tools are used. The three additional languages will significantly increase the impact across Europe.
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6 Partners Participants