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10 év az EU-ban
Start date: Aug 4, 2014, End date: Aug 3, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The title of our project is: “10 years in the EU”, which reflects such processes as giving new perspectives to skilled workers of the future. The 7 school members of Szent László Integrated Vocational School understood and seized the opportunity of the international mobility right from the beginning and completed several mobilities since. They have gained positive experience, which was continuously shared with the other member institutions enabling each of them to participate in the realization of these goals. Our school is a “Talent Point”, which means that we support the students to obtain useful trades and skills. Our success was presented by Mr Tordai Péter in “Genius nights” with the help of Tempus Foundation. Our purposes are the following: 1. To gain experience in international trade in order to incorporate it into the training-learning process 2. To secure the validation of the accessed work experience (ECVET) 3. To develop the competences of the apprentices to prepare them for work in the international labour market 4. To promote a wider appreciation of life through the trade and to create opportunities in the social mobility 5. To provide an opportunity to the most talented trainees to gain international experience In choosing the trades our main criterion was to identify those trades which are in shortage in the labour market. So to Valencia we will send 6 electricians, 3 architect technicians, 3 IT technicians and 4 car mechanics; to Hannover 10 agricultural mechanics; to Tartu 8 students in such trades as commercial-, logistic manager, tour operators; to Waldkirchen 5 joiners and 5 industry mechanics; to Passau 6 social workers (nurses) in 4 phases (4 subprojects). The selection of the receiving partner countries was based on the heritage of our German-speaking region, and our economical and professional needs and specialities, additionally past experiences and connections between the receiving and sending partners were considered. The teachers help in the continuous communication between the students and the parents. Their role is manifold, it spans from organizing the students’ everyday life abroad to permanently assessing and evaluating their performance. The number of teachers is proportional to the number, gender and age of the students: 2 teachers go to Valencia and Waldkirchen-Passau, 1 teacher goes to Hannover and Tartu. We would like to complete the dissemination of the project in a wide social and professional circle. Besides the impact results of the project we also expect increased efficiency in our school’s enrolment and weight to its profile as a training provider.
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