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1. Internatioanles Friedenscamp Aachen- Frieden und Freiheit für uns alle?!
Start date: May 1, 2016, End date: Sep 30, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

1. International peacecamp Aachen10.07.2016-16.7.2016under the patronage of Martin Schulz, president of the european parlamentAachen is the first german city in which was ending the second world war. Followed by 70 years of peace and freedom. In a touching memorial celebration on oktober 21st 2014 citiziens of Aachen decided to spread peace and freedom actively in europe and the whole world.The "Bürgerstiftung Lebensraum Aachen" follows this aim by organizing an international peacecamp together with "Aachener Netzwerk für humanitäre Hilfe" und dem "Rhein-Maas-Gymnasium".During one week youth from Germany, Bosnia and Herzegowina, Serbia, Belgium and as well teenaged refugees witch lived already in Aachen, shall deal actively and creativly with the subject "peace and freedom" and its meaning for their own lifes.The common message of peace will be developed artistically.The process to come to this message is dynamic and open on purpose. The youth should interact produce ideas actively. They will experience democratic process and getting touch with foreign peaople in a active way.
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