Dario paoletti
· After graduating in Political Science, he worked in IT working for over fifteen years as a project manager in important projects related to support business decisions. Currently involved in commercial development of a startup that has developed software for the management of Big Data He performs many years of volunteer work and is Banca Etica partner.
What he has done in the past
· He specializes in adult education (2001), dealing in various capacities also corporate training.
· He was a trade union representative for over 10 years. In the period 1995 .2000 at European level he became a member of the EDS (now HP) European Works Council) participating to all meetings in various European locations. For six months he was also Chairman of the same body.
· Since 2005 he is member of Atdal Over 40 where he held various voluntary activities dealing mainly with:
· Design and development of national and European funded bids (since 2010) participating in PEOPLE (Leonardo Programme) project which included several meetings in Europe and the exchange of senior EVOLVE volunteering (Grundtvig Programme 2013) spending a month in London where he acquired a good knowledge of the UK NPO. In the same project he has worked in the hospitality organization of the British volunteers who came to Rome in 2014.
· In 2015 he collaborated on a project (later unfunded) concerning the development of new business activities using the meeting of the senior workers competences and young NEETs (young people who do not study and do not work), under Erasmus +
· Last year has been the project manager Prezzemolo e & Dintorni (creation of condominium gardens), aimed at unemployed women over 40 and funded by the insurance company Aviva.
· Trainer in personal branding (since 2012) under the Labirintus project for guidance and help to the relocation of workers and unemployed people over 40 in partnership with the Foundation Di Liegro
· Manager of the project LabHub then Atelierlavoro to help over 40 workers to develop new businesses
What he is doing
· In collaboration with the Fondazione Risorsa Donna he is participating in the project funded Neetu (Erasmus + European Program) with the goal of identifying a methodology that can facilitate collaboration between young and senior workers Neet
· Since 2007 he is a founding member and a volunteer with his wife of Cooperativa La Nuova Arca for the management of a home for single mothers with children. He guarantees along with his wife a weekly presence sleeping in the house and sharing daily life with the guests of the moment.
· After to be specialized as Life counselor he is using this expertise as volunteer in a helpline