Marco Fermi
In fall 2012 I founded the “Marco Fermi Consulting & Tutoring” to offer support in the R&D, design and development of GNSS based precise Positioning solution. In this field my competences range from strategic and technical management to Business Development, from technology transfer to networking from R&D to system engineering.
Since fall 2013 I am cooperating with GTER a SME Spin Off of the University of Genova working in the field of high precision GNSS and GIS. In particular I am supporting GTER in R&D activities and in business development. More recently, I signed contracts of consultancy with other subjects both Italians as well as at the European level.
I am currently the Project Manager of the NARVALO project presented in cooperation with GTER, University of Genova and OPTISOFT srl and funded by the Italian Space Agency after its selection in the frame of the “BANDO TEMATICO N. 04 “Navigazione e Osservazione della Terra: utilizzo delle infrastrutture spaziali nazionali e comunitarie”. The project is developing a solution enabled by GNSS precise navigation for the safety of workers in the yard of the freight villages.
I got recently also contracts from GSA as expert both in proposal evaluation as well as project ;