Marina Vatchkova
▪ Project evaluation and cost-benefit analysis to support the making of strategic decisions by state and local authorities on infrastructure projects in transport, urban transport, urban development and environmental sectors;
▪ Development of feasibility studies, integrated urban transport plans and integrated urban development plans;
▪ Project management and coordination of in-house and sub-contracted activities to external multidisciplinary experts, including preparation of terms of reference, quality control of the required deliverables according to the ToR and their timely submission under the project schedule;
▪ Communication in multi-lateral context with public sector clients, including Managing Authorities and Beneficiaries of EU funds and international financial institutions, such as the EIB, the EBRD and the World Bank; as well as preparation of projects for funding under the ESIF with the participation of JASPERS;
▪ Data analysis, elaboration and synthesis; market and sector research and analysis