Vermande Consult
Henk Vermande is a senior consultant with more than 25 years experience in the construction ; In 2005 he was part of the advisory panel of the EC-study ‘Benchmarking of Construction Resources in the Member States (Scoping Study)’. In 2006/2007, he was involved in a study for DG ENT assessing the economic effects of the ; In 2011/2012, he was project leader of a study called ‘Screening of regulations on sustainable construction’ for DG ENT in the framework of the Lead Market Initiative for sustainable construction. Since then, he has worked on various projects in the construction area, including a market study for the Dutch Ministry of Interior on a comparison of product information by means of CE Marking and by means of private product certification. From 2012-2015 Henk was involved in the Elios2-project on insurance in the construction sector for DG Enterprise (), working for ARCADIS Netherlands. Part of this project involved creating a directory with information on quality signs (certificates, marks, CE Marking) in ;Nowadays he is part of the team of RPA Ltd (Risk Policy Analysts, UK) as external expert on the construction sector for a study for the European Commission on a evaluation of the Construction Products Regulation, and a 'fitness check' study on several pieces of EC legislation related to the construction sector.
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Construction Industry
European Union
8 years ago
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