Antonela Marincat
Feb 24, 2023
About Me
ProEcoCBRNE Cluster unites: first responders, second responders and SME's in the field of hazmat area, military, counter terrorism and CBRNE forensics.
Our main acitivity regards critical infrastructure, hazmat resillience, and terrorism acts that use chemical, biological, radioactive, nuclear and explosive agents. We also have teams that manage natural and hand made disaters: eartqhuake, wild fire, accidents, etc. and medical trauma interventions.
We had accessed research projects in Horizon Europe, European Defence Found, Eureka, etc.
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Ideas in Progress
Innovation & Research
Urban transport
Public Safety
We apply for Internal Security Fund with a project that put togheter the deep tech companies, First Responders, Law Enforcements and public spaces and critical infrastructure administrators.
We develop two working environments that will help the project beneciary to learn about deep tech, test technologies, design new standars and exchange knowhow between all the actors and gene...
Cluj-Napoca, Romania
1 year ago
1 year ago
Environmental protection
Smart Cities
Nanotechnology and Nanosciences
Education and Training
Cultural heritage
Internet of Things (IoT)
Artificial Intelligence
Defence & Cybersecurity
We are looking for partners to develop projects in the filed of CBRNE, First Responsers, forensics, counter terrorism, research, state-of-the-art technology in robotics, AI, drone, smart materials, quantum tech, etc. on Horizon Europe, Eureka, EDF.
Also we can assist you in projects and finding partners in tourism and education projects on Interreg, Erasmus, Horizon.
Cluj-Napoca, Romania
2 years ago
2 years ago
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