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Alternative Fuels Infrastructure Facility - Co-funding Rate
Deadline: Dec 17, 2025  
- 277 days

 Marine and Coast


The objective is to support the deployment of Alternative Fuel supply infrastructure, contributing to decarbonising transport along the TEN-T network.


The following Actions will be supported:

  • Actions supporting the deployment of electricity recharging infrastructure for Heavy-Duty Vehicles, equipped with recharging points of respectively minimum 150kW, 350kW and 1MW power output.
  • Actions supporting the roll-out of hydrogen refuelling infrastructure for Heavy-Duty Vehicles.
  • Actions supporting the roll-out of hydrogen refuelling infrastructure for public transport in bus depots for railways on sections of the TEN-T rail network for which a derogation from the electrification requirement has been granted and on isolated networks, in line with the applicable TEN-T Regulation, or in terminals for refuelling shunting locomotives.
  • Actions supporting the roll-out of hydrogen refuelling and electricity recharging infrastructure dedicated to inland waterway and maritime vessels, vessels, vehicles and equipment for port operations and airports.
  • Actions supporting the deployment of bunkering infrastructure for ammonia supply to maritime and inland waterway vessels and vessels for port operations for TEN-T maritime ports and inland ports.
  • Actions supporting the deployment of bunkering infrastructure for methanol supply to maritime and inland waterway vessels and vessels for port operations for TEN-T maritime ports and inland ports.

Costs related to vehicles or vessels will not be eligible, except for vessels in the case of inland waterway and short sea shipping, if an initial number of vessels is needed to kick-start the use of the supported recharging/refuelling infrastructure. In such case, the eligible cost shall be limited to the difference of cost between a fossil-fuel vessel and the zero-emission vessel(s).

Costs related to the production of green hydrogen for the purpose of transport will be eligible as synergetic elements under the conditions specified in Section 10.6 of the Work Programme.

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