Zanna Korha
Looking for Consultant Looking for Extra EU Funds
assistant in AI project
the project is aiming to help people with autism (ASD), their family members, and professionals working with people with ASD and their families based on the use of modern digital technologies, namely WEB 3.0 metaverse solutions.
With the help of WEB 3.0 technologies and the socio-economic principles underlying them, we are planning to create a continuous digital space that will provide assessment, intervention, and support opportunities for people with ASD and their caregivers.
In the WEB 3.0 metaverse (enabled by AI, blockchain, immersive and crypto technologies) it will be possible to develop and maintain the necessary functions in the areas of: remote assessment and treatment plan formulation, social-emotional interaction, communication and collaboration, life support, knowledge and practical activity, money making activities.
The concept and technology of WEB 3.0 are still at a very early stage, but we believe that WEB 3.0 can provide the opportunity to significantly improve the well-being of ASD individuals and caregivers through various offerings in the virtual world.