Stowarzyszenie Projektów Międzynarodowych INPRO

: Mar 9, 2017

Looking for Partnership Looking for Extra EU Funds
About Me

Inpro was created when a group of internationals with experience in the third sector decided it was time to create something on their. Our mission is to help people realize that international initiatives bring added value and progress to the development of a community. We strongly support that cultural diversity significantly shapes our attitudes and changes our perspectives of local community.

In general, we are dedicated to the personal development of young people in Rzeszów and Podkarpackie in Poland. And as there is a growing community of internationals, we are also dedicated to cultivating an interaction between them and locals. So in order to satisfy these ideals, our activities and workshops are designed to attract people, not only of different cultural backgrounds but also of different ages, opinions.

Keywords and matching areas:

 International Cooperation
 Smart Cities
 Education and Training
 Youth Exchanges
 European Voluntary Services
 Culture and Development
 Interregional cooperation
 Human Rights

Ideas in Progress

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