Regional Development Agency of South Bohemia
Looking for Partnership Looking for Extra EU Funds
Regional Development Agency of South Bohemia – RERA a.s. (Czech Republic) was founded in 1999 as a service and support organization for the integration of South Bohemia into EU policies. It was founded based on the experience of similar organizations abroad which have integrated their regions into EU policies, mainly in Austria or Germany. Thanks to its shareholder structure (Regional Authority, Union of Towns and Municipalities, Chamber of Commerce, Chamber of Agriculture) RERA offers a wide portfolio of services related to EU funding opportunities, from consulting services, preparation of grant applications, project management, administration of advisory offices on the regional level to preparation of strategic documents for municipal and regional self-government. Also, RERA is a centre for international cooperation and participates in successful project applications for regional organizations. RERA is a member of national network of development agencies, as well as European network EURADA. Within EURADA, RERA is the only active member from the Czech Republic.
RERA has participated in numerous international projects, ranging from SME support to environmental issues. Given the unique position in the region (being public body with access to regional administration while not being too restricted by lengthy administrative procedures), RERA can access a wide range of organizations within the region and initialize a cooperation with them. If the region cannot provide the appropriate counterpart or the project requires to, RERA regularly accesses organizations from across the whole country to cooperate.
Project Overview
The following selection of projects that have been implemented by RERA in the South Bohemian region over past 3 years. Within each project, RERA has created a network of cooperating organizations and stakeholders, including public government and administration, NGO’s, universities, secondary schools, local action groups, municipalities, SME’s and expert individuals. Since the implementation of the project has been successful, these stakeholders are willing to participate in any future activities within their scope of action.
Interreg Europe project focused on promotion of social entrepreneurship and exchange of experience with more advanced countries (e.g., Germany, Austria). Since all Interreg Europe projects include policy change influence, RERA was in close contact with the Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs and participated in shaping new calls for proposals. Submission and consulting of social entrepreneurs’ individual projects was also part of the project.
Interreg Danube project focused on education of social entrepreneurs. While party evolving from SOCIAL SEEDS project, it had a different goal – to provide new social entrepreneurs with entrepreneurial skills to increase their success in the market. The educational activity was conveyed in a form of on-line course (MOOC).
Interreg Central Europe project aimed at promotion of crowdfunding as an alternative financial tool for SME’s. However, the secondary goals were to promote crowdfunding as it is, since in Eastern Europe it was quite a novelty at that time (project started in 2016), especially as an entrepreneurial financing tool. The project helped to spread information on how to use crowdfunding to boost business, not only financially but in other means, too. The other benefits are many times more valuable than the financial gain. Last but not least, the project helped 18 campaigns to reach their target by providing the authors with auxiliary services (copywriting, photography, video shooting, legal services, accounting…)
Interreg Central Europe project aimed at creation of a new cultural route across Europe, in this case a cultural route following the history of Reformation in Central Europe. In the end, the route was certified at Council of Europe and it is still operational and developing.
On-going Erasmus+/Cosme project focused on international exchange of young entrepreneurs in the form of an internship at host entrepreneurs abroad. The project is still running, RERA serves as a project partner, gathering both hosting entrepreneurs and applicants.
On-going Interreg Central Europe project aimed at promotion of social entrepreneurship (SE) in rural areas where social challenges create conditions where social entrepreneurship can fill the market niche. One of the main outputs is an on-line course, specially tailored to people interested in SE with little experience, providing education in business planning, scaling up, using several business canvas models. The course includes expert videos and good practise examples. Also, it is translated in national languages, including the videos (in a form of subtitles).
On-going Interreg project focused on management models for cultural heritage, especially the heritage that isn’t standing in the limelight, usually the smaller sites placed in rural areas. The goal is to provide managers and owners of the sites examples how to promote the space in a modern manner, promoting sustainable models of tourism and local population involvement.
On-going Interreg project, technically narrowly focused on HCH contaminants (lindane - harmful pesticide) and techniques of remediation of the areas once affected by HCH effluents, storage and production. Within this project, RERA cooperates with universities, researchers, NGO’s and environmental agencies (both governmental and non-governmental).