Okan Unal
I am Assoc. Prof. Dr. in Karabuk University (Turkey), Department of Mechanical ;My research areas commonly are surface severe plastic deformation via shot peening and diffusion behaviors of nanocrystalline layers.
Also we are currently studying the processes as shown below,
-Pulsed plasma nitriding,
-Severe shot peening
-Constrained groove pressing
-Vibratory peening
-Ultrasonic nanocrystal surface modification
to improve fatigue, wear and FCGR-Kıc behavior of metallic materials. Currently, we are working on international projects for increasing the wear resistance of rails by novel surface treatments in situ service conditions.
Our lab facilities are,
-Air pressure assisted shot peening equipment
-Crank-rod accelerated SMAT equipment
-Vibratory peening equipment,
-Constained groove pressing dies with 200 tons hydraulic press
-Basic microstructural and mechanical test equipments (Optical, SEM, XRD, XRF, microhardness, optical emission spectroscopy, surface roughness, and etc.)
-Residual stress measurements by high precision cutting (strain measurement based)
-Dynamic fatigue test equipment (MTS 100 kN servohydraulic unit)
-Zwick/Roell Z600 tensile-compresssion- bending test charpy test equipment
-UTS tribometer,
-Thermogravimetric analyzer,
-FT-IR and UV-VIS Spectrophemeter
-MSE-HP Hot Isostatic Pressing Equipment
-Environment controlled heat treatment equipments
-FEGSEM with EBSD facilities
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Aerospace Technology
Nanotechnology and Nanosciences
5 years ago
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