Milan Omasta
Nov 11, 2021
Looking for Partnership Looking for Consultant Looking for Extra EU Funds
About Me
I'm representing the Wheel-rail interface research group as a part of Department of Tribology, Brno University of Technology. The group is engaged in basic and applied research into the tribology of the wheel-rail interface and the development of technology for friction management. We provide a wide range of facilities for experimental research and development. Our activities cover:
- Testing of friction modifiers, lubricants and traction enhancers; development of testing methodology.
- Development of friction management techniques (wheel-flange lubrication, top-of-rail conditioning, sanding).
- Development of airless systems for friction management (lubrication and sanding).
- Research into curving noise and development of mitigation techniques (actively controlled lubrication and top-of-rail conditioning).
- Research into “wet-rail” phenomenon and low-adhesion problem.
- Research and implementation of digital twin-based approach of friction layer in the wheel-rail interface for friction and wear prediction.
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Ideas in Progress
Smart Cities
Urban transport
Horizon Europe
Industrial Engineering
Smart Mobility
Looking for a partnership and lead partner for the topics dealing with applications of the wheel-rail tribology including the development of wheel-rail friction management techniques, noise mitigation in urban rail transport, modelling and digital-twin approach of the wheel-rail interface, etc.
Brno, Czechia
2 years ago
2 years ago
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