Miao Dingbo 缪定博
Looking for Partnership Looking for Consultant Looking for Extra EU Funds
Lithuanian startup, Yordando UAB, providing AI solutions is looking for a restaurant, catering or food processing partner in order to implement and verify its technology. Yordando helps improving restaurant kitchen operations, making team collaboration more efficient, more transparent and have stricter standards towards providing high quality food and service. Goal is to prove the service developed by Yordando UAB, adapt and extend its functionality to the actual need of professionals with the goal of scaling it up and jointly introducing it into the market.
One of the founders of Yordando has experience in successfully running and growing a startup company and also applying and carrying out EU (co-)funded projects, the other founder is an experienced and energetic designer from Shanghai, China.
For partners located within EU, Singapore, Korea, Canada; Turkey or Chile we could consider applying for joint-funding from the EU EUREKA eurostars funding agency in order to cover 50-80% of the development costs.