Magdalena Głowacka
Feb 4, 2021
Looking for Partnership
About Me
Lecturer at The University of Economics and Innovation in Lublin
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Ideas in Progress
Patients with co-infections - challenge for modern medicine, public health and healthcare systems
Health Care
The issue of co-infection increasingly implies the need to undertake various activities in the field of public health, medicine and related sciences that would improve the effectiveness of the diagnostic and therapeutic process. The current situation of people with co-infections not only negatively affects their health, but also intensifies the development of negative social consequences ( nume...
Lublin, Poland
4 years ago
4 years ago
Health Care
Higher Education
I am interested in projects related to public health, health promotion and broadly understood prevention. In my activity, I focused on co-infections, IT competences of medical personnel and communication competences.
Lublin, Poland
4 years ago
4 years ago
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