Jens Peter Hansen
Looking for Partnership
Due to 30 years of professional experience working with information and communication technology (ICT), Jens Peter has extensive experience and a realistic understanding of how to utilise ICT for transferring theoretical knowledge into practical use. His unique background as a farmer, a scientist and a specialist adviser in the field of ICT enables Jens Peter to communicate with a broad range of stakeholders and draw conclusions based upon a holistic approach.
Since Jens Peter - while finalising his master degree from the Royal Veterinary and Agricultural University, Copenhagen – realised that ICT could be used for solving planning problems at his Dad’s dairy farm, he has as a researcher for 15 years and now as a digital specialist since 2000 pursued, how ICT can be utilised to transfer theoretical knowledge into practical use.
In 1996, Jens Peter proved the validity of his visions, as he won a prize-winning contest in occasion of the 100 years anniversary of Danish Association of Graduates in Agricultural Science. The subject was "The interplay between theory and praxis in the agriculture of the future" and Jens Peter outlined the importance of and how to utilise ICT to reinforce knowledge sharing between actors in the agricultural sector.
Realising these visions, he was the architect behind a personal portal for farmers. At launch, this portal won a prestigious award at Agromek 2005, as Jens Peter succeeded with visualising the concept of personalisation by using a huge whiteboard and magnetic “content boxes”. Now most Danish farmers use this portal.
His communicative skills and his capacity for digesting huge amounts of information have been further developed from the time when he entered the political arena back in 2001. After a start in a small municipality, Jens Peter has been one of the most political active councillors of Randers City Council – the 6th largest city in Denmark since 2005.
As in work so in politics: Jens Peter takes his standing point based on facts instead of feelings and is never afraid of leading the way and feeling secure about it, as he normally will have done his homework well. As a result of his distinctive profile, Jens Peter has twice been headhunted to boards in private companies.
Great commitment, many meetings and political work on top of a full time job could be a threat to good health. Not for Jens Peter: He pursues consciously an active lifestyle. His marathon PR declares 2:38 and commuting is normally done on road bike – 47 km each way. Being a board member at Danish Cyclist Federation, he participated this summer in Velo City Global conference in Nantes. All alone, he rode the km in 5½ day – and absolutely with no help from the wind.
Besides e-mail and mobile +4524481604, you can connect with Jens Peter through a number of social media channels. Searching for his preferred user name jenspeterhansen will bring up active accounts on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Google+, Instagram, Pinterest and more.