Instytut Nowych Technologii
Looking for Partnership
Institute of New Technologies Association (INT) since 2004 has been working in the area of innovations, entrepreneurship, dissemination and collection of best practices in the use of new technologies and innovation among non-governmental organizations, youth and entrepreneurs. Our main activity is formal and nonformal education.
Among key activities of INT there are: organization of the Regional Competition Leader of New Technologies promoting innovative companies in the region of Lodz, organization of numerous conferences, over 480 trainings, workshops, etc. INT leads the NGO Support Centre in the region & works with more than 100 NGOs. For several years, INT has been organizing a nationwide competition for youth in knowledge of the region & entrepreneurship.
We conducted Incubator for Education Innovations 2016 – 2019 and we funded 60 innovations in education with budget of app. 1mln euro – Ministry of Human Resources finances. Now we conduct projects for youth focused on key competences development and IT technologies.
The recipients of our projects are: youth, disadvantageous groups, NGOs, volunteers, employees of companies, entrepreneurs as well as those who are just starting their career path. A large part of activities is addressed to YP. We support youth organisations & informal groups & help them organise their own projects. We conducted research on labour market, youth employment & entrepreneurship (2014-2016). In 2015 we set up the Academy of Entrepreneurship for people who want to start their own businesses. We organized more than 100 workshops for youth on: job searching, entrepreneurship, personal development etc. Continuously we organize workshops for youth entering labour market.
For few years INT has been implementing a CSR strategy & in 2015 we implemented ISO 26000 which concentrated on quality of actions aimed at surrounding & our stakeholders who are also YP who co-operate with us & live in our region.
INT employs over 12 people who have university & PhD degrees, have experience in project implementation, conducting and organization of trainings. INT co-operates with more than 20 experienced trainers of mixed age from diverse areas.