Nov 22, 2021
Looking for Partnership
About Me
We are a mid-size city located on the sea side in Northern France.
Our main projects relate to urban renewal issues, sustainable development, economic growth, renovation of listed areas, digital litteracy...
We regulalry benefit from EU funds (ERDF), sometimes in cooperations schemes (INTERREG). We have loooked into the UIA fund but did't go further.
We are open to discuss sollicitations.
Keywords and matching areas:
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Ideas in Progress
Energy Efficiency
Renewable Energy
Child Care
Sustainable Development
Youth Exchanges
Cultural heritage
Based on the deliverable expected it seems to me that research institutes are more likely to answer the call. Nevertheless the Municipality of Boulogne-sur-Mer (France) could a an interesting partner.
First fishing port of France, one of the biggest fish processing port in Europe, the city has a very long maritime history. The sea represents loads of opportunities for the city and its...
Boulogne-sur-Mer, France
3 years ago
3 years ago
Energy Efficiency
Renewable Energy
Child Care
Sustainable Development
Youth Exchanges
Cultural heritage
If you are looking in your consortium by the expertise a mid size city could bring, or if you need a city to test an innovation you want to develop, do not hesitate to contact us
Boulogne-sur-Mer, France
3 years ago
3 years ago
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